BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Is a Big Mac the only thing McDonalds sells? Do people not get sandwiches in value meals? Do people still go to Wendys? I hear the popular Baconator double has 50% more calories than a Big Mac :slight_smile:

Plenty of factories require people to stand a lot. Even though they get breaks, they’re standing for almost 1/3 of their total day. Sure, it’s not everyone but it’s pretty common.

Of course they come to mind. I drink, and I know things.

You don’t need to overconsume fast food for it to be unhealthy. If a healthy daily intake of 2000 calories is the norm, one value meal will be roughly half of your daily calories. And that’s not accounting that you eat more than 2 meals per day. And it’s not accounting for people who also get a desert or cookies or pie to go with it.

A new video game costs $59.99, a value meal does not.

So 6 days is ok?

That’s not the point being made here. The point is that video games can cause unhealthy side effects. Yes, putting the warnings up do help to alleviate the company from accountability but they don’t make up the contents just for kicks.

I looked through all my Xbox, PS and Nintendo games that were made past 2008 and they all had health and safety warnings.

I don’t I did. :man_shrugging:

Didn’t you just make a comment about cherry picking? :frowning:

It makes no sense, and has no rhyme or reason whatsoever :rofl:

I know people complain a lot about RNG in WoW (and similar games), but the truth is there’s a significant amount of “RNG” in real life as well… some people just seem invincible despite their bad/unhealthy habits. They somehow live well past the age where they were “supposed” to die, “supposed” to get cancer, etc.

Like my dad for example, 72 year old life-long smoker and still humming along (???)

Meanwhile, you see headlines in the news like “35 year old dies from cancer” or “42 year old suffers heart attack” all the time, and if you read into the articles a lot of times the people being referenced had “healthy” lifestyles or were active :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Life is a crap-shoot, there’s definitely a large amount of randomness to it. You can be the most healthy person, and suddenly get cancer… some of this stuff just makes no sense, it’s “RNG”


Yea my dad was super active. Did 2 iron mans. Many triathlons. Ran the Boston marathon. We just past the 2 years of his passing at a young age of 60 :cry: But not to say he was healthy his whole life. Big time smoker and bowl of ice cream every night until 10-15 or so years ago.

I’m sorry to hear that. He sounded like quite a guy.


He definitely was one of a kind. Thank you


Have you ever heard of Arbies Meat Mountain? They were advertising like half a year ago. I asked the guy at the counter how often he sold them and he told me at least 3 every lunch rush.

" There are 1030 calories in a 1 sandwich serving of Arby’s Meat Mountain . Calorie breakdown: 44% fat, 22% carbs, 33% protein"

People are heathens.

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Yet, there is a very big difference between not going out of your way to take care of yourself and intentionally subjecting yourself deadly risks of smoking.

It’s what I stated in my post. So I was still going on that idea.
You’re right, plenty of people do get sandwiches in value meals. I am not aware of that particular statistic. But here is one which you might be interested in:
“36.6% of adults consumed fast food on a given day”
37% is not most. Not even close
And this isn’t even the global percentage, which I am not inclined to believe it is any higher on average considering the USA has the highest rate of fast food consumption.

Most jobs require either sitting or standing.
Sitting or standing for excessive periods can be detrimental to posture.
Most of the negative effects of these long periods of sitting/standing are negated by light workouts a few times a week, or even just getting out of your chair for 5 minutes every hour.
You may eventually suffer from things like varicose veins or arthritis.
Arthritis is not life threatening. “Oh no my knee is sore”.
Varicose veins, putting aside that they are rarely serious, can be treated very simply and inexpensively. The effects of smoking cannot.

Yes, you do.
Having a value meal now and then is not going to give you a heart attack.
And, again, consuming high calories in one meal is not unhealthy. And your assumption regarding the other 2 meals of the day does not take into considering the calories of those particular meals. An average non fast food meal is between 300-500 calories. Adding these up still remains within a “healthy” 2000 daily calorie intake.

A quick look through steam reveals that most video games are not $59.99.
You make so many assumptions with your statements.

No. No number of days is ok.

With excessive usage or when you let it interfere with your normal life in negative ways. Or if you’re prone to epilepsy/seizures.
Neither of which, for most people, is an issue.

Legos have safety warnings. Guess the world is in danger, huh?

I am not picking out phrases while ignoring the statement as a whole.
You’re giving a generalized statistic with no context and comparing skin cancer as a whole (which is also a risk of smoking) to one single risk from smoking.

I do envy you for that. My father is just about to turn 60 and he drinks too much. No real accolades.

I ate at an Arby’s 3 weeks ago. I don’t remember seeing that on the menu. Funny name though. They did have some new roast beef sandwich with bacon on it.

Heathens indeed.

I used one on my mom way back during the dialup days. I tried to dial into the internet but she was on the phone so I could hear her through the computer (modems were silly like that).

Before I could hang up the modem I hear “BANG!” “OOOOH!!!” come out of the PC. :rofl:

Another time, I used a “stink load” that’s similar but instead of blowing up just makes a foul smelling smoke. Oh man, the whole downstairs was gg’ed for the rest of the day.

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Only stink things I had were those little glass vials that you smash and they’d smell like rotten eggs.

My high school journalism teacher never knew who the culprit was.

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First one who smelt it, etc.

This must have been a similar material but was like a toothpick tip soaked in it. It was like a tiny wooden spike.

After ignited, it smelled like a cross between eggs, burning hair, and manure. Smell lasted for a very long time.

It’s also about the type of calories… When I was trying to put on muscle in my younger days I’d eat 3000+ calories (played too much soccer so I burned a ton). Never gained much muscle. Saw a sports specialist and he looked at my diet and laughed his a** off. He changed me to a home steak/chicken and protien shake diet and I put on more muscle at 2700ish calories.

Any fast food, regardless of calories, goes straight to your heart lol… they’re pure garbage honestly. A single meal won’t kill you but 1 a week will try?

Still love me some nuggets lol…

It’s prolly the saturated fats. I’ve cut down on mine and I feel a lot better.

That sounds horrible. Sounds like something you’d buy from Spencer’s.

Yeah. This was before Spencer’s but was a store that was of a similar vein. Less sex stuff, though, just pranky and novelty.

It’s probably gone now, people just like phones these days.

Before Spencer’s? Now I do feel old… :frowning:

Makes me think of the episode on the office when Michael goes into one of those stores and giggles nonstop.

Well at least around where I lived. One didn’t open in the mall by me until later.

Too bad you didn’t mention this yesterday. I wore my “That’s What She Said” dress socks to work.