BG forums lounge (Part 1)

How much do you smoke and what kind?

Pack a day of Marlboro Red shorts. I also smoke indoors which doesnā€™t help.

Keep it up, you will be :wink:

source: watching my dad coughing up all sorts of nastiness over the years, his mouth/teeth are a mess too (all yellow and eroded from a lifetime of smoking).

Iā€™d say your workshop is a big factor too.

Well my goal is to quit eventually. But I go in full panic mode even at the thought :disappointed_relieved:

I donā€™t understand the appeal of that game on any level. Then again Iā€™m sure plenty donā€™t see the appeal in WoW.

My parents smoked too. Mom used to try and make me start hers for her while she was driving, I would snap them and throw them out the window. That never ended wellā€¦

Just cold turkey it!

I watched my uncle light cigarettes with the cigarette in his mouth on a daily basis. Several packs a day. He was sitting in a deer stand one day and kept hearing this strange noise. 30 minutes later he finally discovered it was him breathing. He went to the doctor and they told him he needed to quit of course and he handed the doctor the pack in his shirt pocket and hasnā€™t smoked since (3 years ago).

I use to sneak cigarette loads into 2-3 cigarettes in his packs and laugh when they went boom lol. Heā€™d get so mad and blame his wife for buying cheap cigarettes.

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To be honest ^ this is probably more harmful to you long-term than smoking. Get a better job dude, your health is worth it.

If my dad is any indication (72 year old smoker, but somehow/miraculously no cancer yet) smoking is more of a ā€œslow killā€ habit. Vaporized plastic though, that doesnā€™t sound good at all :grimacing:

Iā€™ve known a little old lady of around 86 years old that smoked even more than my dad. She somehow avoided cancer as well (???), she ended up dying of heart failure.

Good genetics are definitely a thing, some people seem to ā€œdo everything wrongā€ (smoke, drink, drugs, etc) yet nothing happens to them, some of these people seem invincible health-wise and there doesnā€™t seem to be an explanation :rofl: :rofl:

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I ALWAYS wanted to try those cigarette loads on someone growing up but was too chicken. We were afraid itā€™d be too much boom!


Money is worth more than health. Someday technology will be able to scrub my lungsā€¦ hopefully.

If you look up stats on smoker deaths, lung/throat cancer is very very low. Much higher than the average person, but lung cancer rarely gets you. Prolonged Nicotine has horrible effects on the heart, and youā€™ll see that in the statistics. Heart Disease gets smokers more than anything, and vaping doesnā€™t stop that. Vaping just makes it easier on the lungs, which makes cardio easier, which makes heart health bettter. If youā€™re just vaping and being sedentary like a smoker though, it will still get you in the end.

Itā€™s more like a snap than a boom lol and turn the cigarette limp in that spot.

Is it though? Isnā€™t that money just going to go to health care cost because of the job?

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That job has good health insurance :wink: Iā€™d honestly say great health insurance.

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They better hearing what youā€™re dealing with!

A plastics shop has two options.

  1. Solid ventilation
  2. Air Conditioning

If youā€™ve ever worked in a shop near a press that is at 300degrees on a 100degree summer day, youā€™d cut a chunk of lung out too.

People need their plastic parts.


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Itā€™s definitely one of the gaskets as I found it on the kitchen floor. :rofl:
I kept the box with all the extra ones too.
Just been too busy/lazy.
I also love the vape quality from my tank/coil, but the design is infuriating. The fill valve is too easy to flip open, can happen in your pocket when you bump something or even sit down. Thereā€™s no latch or click or ratcheting, and it slides open too easily.

I actually used one on my dad 20 years ago. I was in my late teens and they were for sale at a carnival. Even though they were very small, it popped loudly and blew about a inch off the tip of his cigarette. He threw the remainder of the cigarette at me and called me something I canā€™t repeat. Letā€™s just say, he was pissed.


And youā€™ve been smoking ever since!

I didnā€™t start really doing it until my late 20s but even then, it was more social. I lived next to the most popular bar in the small town I lived in and my friends liked to go there. Iā€™d have one while drinking to add to my buzz. Other than that, you wouldnā€™t see me doing it anywhere else. I donā€™t like the taste but the flavor of Southern Comfort and Cherry Pepsi covered it up nicely.