BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I’m a vaper (real word?). Occasionally smoked socially. After the wife and I started vaping about 5 years-ish ago, we’ve never turned back. Now, even the smell of cigarettes makes us sick.

No ill will towards those that choose either one.

And fel fire ftw.

Or lights! But just wait, down the road, vaping will be more dangerous

I don’t think I did this once.

I thought this dude’s car was on fire in the parking lot outside my work window. I run out there and him and a coworker are just sitting in there with fog so thick I could barely see the passenger seat.

I just have my doubts that’s healthy.

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I don’t think I said complex, just said grindy. Which it absolutely is if you’re willing to do every bit of content available. Nothing wrong with it, just others put more time into it than others.

I’ve not done this yet but I think it’s needed for rank 4 Lucid. Some people have almost all 3 to level 20.

My main concern is the nicotine content. Some people go bonkers with it. My buddy has a huge bottle of pure nicotine and apparently you can get fairly ill if it comes into contact with your skin, and consumption can kill you.

But other than that I don’t know if there are too many risks with the inhalation, but even if there is it can’t be any worse than smoke.

No it isn’t.
If you think this faceroll stuff is grindy then you better not even look at Classic.

I played in Classic, have no interest in it again.

If it is leaking from the airflow then it is the coil could be the seals around where it screws in. If it is anywhere else you might have something cross thread or wore a seal out, everything should just be snugged and not twisted too much.

If you don’t like messing with coils I’d recommend the horizon tech falcon tank. The older one is around 25 bucks now and their m1 .15ohm coils last me about a month each and on the website vaporfi replacement packs are cheap. I’d also recommend ejuicebogo because it saves a lot of money.

Quick edit, I chain smoke on my setup with the falcon and after 2ish weeks the flavor will mute a little but I have yet to get a burnt taste when the coil goes bad.

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I don’t think it’s possible to have all 3 to almost 20 yet. You only get to use one a day.

Classic isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but it’s also not a “greener grass” thing like too many imply. It’s just different grass.

I actually mentioned those gaskets to a guy today who was vaping with a paper towel around it. I said “leaking?” He said “yeah, for a while now.” I asked him if he kept the extra gaskets in the box and he said “I threw the box away.” I’m sure you can order new ones.

Yeah and sometimes the cotton/whatever material doesn’t sit right in the coilhead so it’ll leak and bit and just changing the coil can fix it.

That’s what I thought, last week someone was at 20 with one and had another at 10 or so. Must be that less than an hour non-grind they’re doing.

It was fun and has a lot of good elements to it that were taken away, but I think a lot of people don’t realize how unbalanced and simple most of it is. When it was released it was fairly new and unique, MMOs were barely a thing.

Now that they’ve been around for nearly 2 decades a lot of what’s in vanilla is gonna feel basic. Has depth to a point, but still basic.

Also re-doing every attunements and all that just doesn’t sound appealing.

Like an old clunky car.

Leveling your followers might be grindy, but getting the rep was just logging in and doing dailies/quests. I have all 3 at 4-5 levels, but like I’ve said, I missed a full week of doing either zone. Was revered within a week of just doing 1 hour to an hour and a half in each zone a day.

I do get occasional defective coils. One shop I used to go to would tell you that you’re SOL but this new chain place says to just bring the package and coil and they’ll exchange.

Everquest was around 5 years prior :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, I agree with you. It had some simplicity to it but also a certain appeal. I’m a longtime gamer and I’ve seen several games evolve. Some evolved into better games and some evolved into crap games.

I was talking to Sock about this the other day. WoW has turned more “meme” style and there is far less dark stuff than there used to be, which I miss.

I still look forward to it. Whether it’s to scratch that nostalgic itch or what.

I’m hoping they bring some of it back, which at least they’ve acknowledged a lot of what people have been complaining about for a few years now.

I liked WoW when it was Warhammer without taking itself too seriously. Now its Final Fantasy taking itself seriously.

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I don’t know how people can tolerate smoking tbh, must be pretty addicting stuff :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My dad was a lifelong smoker and unfortunately I grew up around that nasty smell/second-hand smoke. I have no idea how he’s even still alive, he’s 72 and he smokes like a pack a day :joy:

When I was a little kid he liked to smoke while driving and he would lower the window a bit to let the smoke out… but some of the smoke would simply blow “in” through my open window in the backseat :grimacing:

I think it’s a nasty habit and I would never do it, but to each their own

Both of my parents smoked. I never thought I’d end up smoking, but I realized I actually like the smell… Like a lot. In fact I love the smell of a half smoked cigarette. It either grew on me, or it just reminds me of my parents. They smoke menthols though.

Its an acquired taste I suppose. Most smokers love smoking, they just hate the side effects. Coughing up black phlegm is kinda unnatractive.

Gross. I’m not at that point yet.

I’ve only smoked for 8 years. 2 partial lung collapses in that timeframe.

I think I’m a bit more… eager to die than most smokers. I also work in a shop that is full of vaporized plastic.