BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Me too, got it yesterday… fiiiiiiiiinaaaaaaaallly :joy:

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Only 70 rep? Just kill 1 rare and its gg

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I killed 4 while there and didn’t see any. We get rep for it?

Yea like 75 rep per kill. It has to be a different rare. I think you can kill each rare for rep once a day or something like that.

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Well hell logging back in then. So close!

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It’s 75 rep per rare killed, it’s a “one-time” thing though… you don’t get rep for killing the same rare a second or third time.

If you’re paying a Human, you get 83 rep per kill :open_mouth:

I did the entire Pathfinder grind using a throwaway 120 Human alt, I just hate rep grinds in general so anything to make it faster.

I haven’t even touched the new content on my Horde main, but whatever. It’s done now so with flying the war campaign/storyline quests/etc should go by that much faster on my main :+1:

By one time you must mean once in a toons lifetime and not daily. Nothing going for me :cry:

Edit: Huzzah for not having done rustfeather! Gnome flies and I’m having fun!


You positive you’ve killed ALL the rares at least once? Some rotate everytime the new building things do. Some you have to activate drills to get to etc. I’ve been grinding that place and still haven’t downed every rare at least once.

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See edit. Just found the list and there is now 4 I haven’t but don’t need now :smiley:

Why are you nooblets so slow to flying :thinking:

Me too!

Yea noobs. Why don’t yall have flying yet? pft

Well, we do have cell phones…

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I would have got it sooner, but I was too busy running back to my corpse to finish the quests any faster. :wink:

You gotta keep that health above 0.

I’d 100% have it by now if I didn’t have almost a week where I couldn’t log in.

Unless you no life it hard most people won’t have flying for a while or just now getting it from doing the basic dailies.

Anyone who got it week 1 definitely didn’t go outside and put in 12 hour sessions of grinding. Completely unnecessary.

Why couldn’t you log in for a week? Was it the pizza?

I missed 3 days worth of dailies, plus there were a few things I missed so I could have gotten it 4 or 5 days ago putting 3 hours or so a day in. I suspect the vast majority who have bothered to go to the new zones will be flying within a week now.

:joy::rofl: sounds like it could be. But nah, went away for a long weekend, and had the BF’s dad come another weekend, then work stuff and one night of just queuing BGs. Finished Mecha and have like 2500 rep left for Naz, not too bad I’d say

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