BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I don’t have the heirloom for increased exp from bgs either!

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The only time I’ve been backfilled into a “losing” in-progress Horde AV (in recent memory), Zeela was the “instance leader” :joy: :rofl:

I remember I zoned in, saw the score (Alliance something like 300+ points up), and then noticed Zeela talking about “alliance spies” in the chat and blaming the loss on that :joy:

Then his premade buddies chimed in with stuff like “don’t blame Hydra, you noobs didn’t follow our instructions, so enjoy your loss”

It was a very… interesting backfill game… it’s not very often that you get backfilled into a “losing” Horde AV :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


When I get queued into a BG with Zeela, the game isn’t about PvP anymore.
It’s about triggering Zeela :rofl:


Resto drood is my all purpose class that I find myself always coming back to but my specific break down is as follows (as you know I almost exclusively heal):

M+: Drood

Arena and BG: Pally

Bonus Categories
Epic BG: Shamah

Raiding: Priest


I always try to /tickle her as many times as I can and then chuckle as her minions overextend to their deaths trying to catch me lol


I haven’t seen her in a BG since that one mage played with her…don’t remember her name. In the same game of AV I killed both the mage and Zee as a holy pally. Not at the same time, 2 separate fights…but still.


BG Forum Fam -

I’m taking a hiatus from the game and just wanted to say goodbye.

8.2 kind of did the opposite of excite me and in general (as well as some human issues presenting) I’ve been contemplating the fragility and shortness of life which leaves me wondering why I spend so much time in a digital fantasy.

I had a lot of fun playing with a lot of you (special shout out to my main man JD), and some we never got the chance, but you’re all a great bunch to waste time with here and in game goofing off.

So I cancelled my sub (ran out 7/6), bought a keyboard, and now I’m heading to the gym instead of to log in.

Good luck and have fun bg forum fam, maybe I’ll see you in the game again if the fancy strikes me, but until then (or if never), live life.

Fatfreddy / Barrington / Goldenbrown


All things in moderation, even moderation itself.

Hope all is well. Take care buddy, I’ll cya round.


Understand completely. Good luck and go with the best of wishes for you and yours.


Be well my friend


Take care! I now honestly feel bad I only ever got to run a couple of bgs and some islands with you.


Good luck my dude. I can vouch that the gym does wonders for my physical and mental health. Hopefully you get to the point where you can come back and do both! Definitely a good idea to go all in for now though.

Good luck and you’re always welcome back…


Don’t let those gym muscles mess up those cool sleeves you got now.


Just got done running my weekly 10 for the week, my god do geared healers make such a big difference… I picked a 417 Resto Druid with around 1.8k io off the applicant list and he was just insanely good :laughing:

We were pulling multiple packs at a time, and multiple times we got 7-8 stacks of bursting and he just healed thru it like it was nothin’ :smirk:

Gtfo outta here with that “gear doesn’t matter” nonsense :smirk:

You put someone like this guy in a little/10-man bg I bet he could just carry the whole team :joy:

GOOD healers reduce this game to ez mode :laughing:

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Get them gainz son!


Best wishes, Freddy.

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Have fun, Freddy.

Still haven’t done my PvP island yet… looking at you, Dare. :face_with_monocle:

Haven’t seen you !




Grats. I’m 70 rep away with the mech and nothing to do that’s moving it :sob: