BG forums lounge (Part 1)

To my fellow altoholics on here: farm battle pets NOW

You can thank me later… just do it NOW :wink:

Forget bgs, M+, etc… I’m just gonna cycle thru all my alts and farm as many battle pets as I can today and tomorrow :laughing:

This sudden battle pets “craze” is like the Bitcoin of WoW, it’s crazy, get in on it while it’s still hot :joy:

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Why, what’s up with pet battles?

the Nazjatar/Mechagon pet battle WQ bosses have certain specific “meta” pets that counter them, and these specific pets are selling for ridiculous prices on the AH but still selling very fast despite the high prices. Earlier today I made over ~67k from a single pet sale, it’s crazy.

Cash in while you can, this is a great time to be an altoholic (able to get multiples of some of these specific pets, etc) mwahahahahaha :smiling_imp:

I feel for you “only 1 main character” guys, sucks to be you rn :joy:

I only just found out about this the other day when I ran a casual AH search on some of these pets (since I’m a pet battles noob and my battle pets suck), then I noticed the hugely marked up prices… then I had a lightbulb moment :smiling_imp:

Ikky? …

That’s one of them, but the other ones sell much better imo. Ikky only seems to fetch like 35-55k gold if it’s lvl 25 maxed out.

If you have a decent amount of alts, say 8 or more, you are almost guaranteed to get at least 1 of the other ones to drop if you spam old raids/old zones enough. Last night I did nothing but spam old raids across my different alts, got 2 pet drops. Sold 1 today, easiest ~67k gold ever :smirk:

hot tip

thank you

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I’m capped on Ikky’s.
What are the other pets?

Twilight clutch sister, lil bling, some of the engineering pets. Essentially look up pet battle guides for the rares on wowhead and look at the main teams and alt teams you can use and farm all of it.

That moment your buddy decides hes going sober and empties out all his alcohol stashes and you become an alcoholic over night.

Lol alcohol.
Water for life.

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Well i drank it like a fish drinks water if that counts?

:joy::joy: bragging about premade AV hks.

Is this the achievement for the essence?

If so, I just got it on my level 109 mage, should be cool when I hit 120! I wonder if I could get the 50k by 120.

Looks like it. I imagine if you just bg you should get the rest by 120 easy enough.

50k honor from 110-120? That sounds difficult.

I started from 100 and got 15k 100-109. I think if I start an alt and do only BGs I should get it by 120 though. New goal acquired!


Yeah and the achievement should count towards the next rank no matter how much you lack to getting the actual essence. Barington already had the honor and when we finished the pvp island he got to buy the next rank instantly.

I am very pleased with how easily accessible a lot of these essences are and how good they are for being the starters as well.

It’s not like they necessarily got all the HKs from an AV premade, I’ll bet some were “earned” back in Ashran.

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How much honor are you averaging per bg and how many bgs do you get in per level? Just curious since I haven’t done lower level bgs in ages. I can get 1k honor in maybe 3 bgs, way more in epics. Don’t know how many bgs it takes to gain a level anymore though.

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I don’t really look at honor amounts I’m getting. 3 games will level me up, assuming I win (Only lost 2 games 100-110).

If I used my calculator correctly, I get 500 honor per game? 15k honor / 3 games per win / 10 levels.

I just spent 5 minutes trying to find a screenshot of my BG end screen only to realize the stupid new interface doesn’t show honor gained anymore.

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Ah yeah honor now is displayed at the bottom and goes away on it’s own pretty quickly. Kind of like how the boxes or blue gear used to show only it doesn’t interfere with the leave button so it hasn’t gained much attention :laughing:

Edit: But damn I had no idea 3 wins would gain a level. That’s fast!

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