BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Yeah without a 25% warmode bonus either :sunglasses:

Does that bonus count rep?

Sure doesnā€™t, omega removed didnt even know :slight_smile:

Stay safe out there and thank you for your service.

You too.

Looking forward to seeing your safe return.

Big shout out to the main man Darelin, running JD and I through a victorious pvp island.

So pvp it had all of one encounter with other players, but either way we won!!

Also, thank sweet satan that apparently the honor gained at all this patch counts for the future achieves to upgrade blood of the enemy so Iā€™m almost rank 2 anyway!


I should have taken today off of workā€¦Iā€™m hurtinā€™ this morning.

I wiped us and he still saved the day lol.

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Bye loser, donā€™t sink the ship.

First BG on a freshly dinged 120, 9% haste and I still managed to clap everyone. Alliance suck hard :drooling_face:


Reported for abuse.

Having issues sticking to a class.

I enjoy m+, bgs, and arena. The problem is that I find classes enjoyable in only 1 or 2 of those three things and canā€™t find a class that I enjoy in all 3. So here I am logging in to each of my alts jumping around a bit and logging on to the next one.

Shoot me.


Rogue for life.

Iā€™ve tried rogue around 15 times now and heā€™s only made it to 117 lol

I can attest have flying now :^)

definitely helps in WM with the horde zergballs.

Jumping is fun!

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Impossible! I heard you get 2 shot as a new 120 :joy:

Queued a horde BG and sadly put on a team with a Hydra group with Zeelaā€¦ 15 seconds into the game they start raging at the team (for them playing bad) and starts telling everyone to learn to play.

What is this game :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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ā€œearnedā€ being used VERY loosely there.

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