BG forums lounge (Part 1)

There needs to be nodes to fight over or something to force engagement. Maybe a cart you can fight for/steal from.

Also solo queue.

Also rating.

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100% yesā€¦

(Elipsis for extra characters)

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Haha i remembered your desire to make the ol kt warrior.

Oh man I canā€™t decide what one of my blue alts Iā€™ve been wanting to play. I have a disc/mw at 120, my sham at 105 and litteraly just started a level 25 lf pallyā€¦ Pretty sure Iā€™m an altoholic addicted to altohol :joy:

Ret/war is pretty fun though, played a bit of it last season. Just have to make a decisionā€¦ Lol

Haymakering fools every 150 seconds.

The mogs are decent if you hide belt. Theyā€™re stretched for the fatness.

This patch is making me dread alts.

I got lucid dreaming on this guy and horde dk, but as good as dk is (and hella fun in wpvp), I just enjoy warrior more.

Probably gonna level a magā€™har or green orc warrior when I get a chance.

Iā€™m getting the itch for ret smashing and itā€™s getting worse.


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Let me say flying feels :drooling_face: all done.


Grats!! I have a ways to go. Just barely into honored with both. Not bad considering I skipped quite a few days though, and me and questing donā€™t go hand in hand at all.

I hate you

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why :rage:

How big is the knock back? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been hit by itā€¦ Lol

Yea I was thinking about making a kt sham but I couldnā€™t as itā€™s no moo cow :joy:

Yea itā€™s probably why I level them all and then they just kinda sit thereā€¦ Got 7 120s and a bunch between 100-120ā€¦ I am enjoying the questing honestly, zones are cool.

Hope yall have a safe yet fun 4th


Whatā€™s on the 4th?

Chaaaaā€¦ Have fun my American friendsā€¦ Have a drink for me while I work :sob: lol


after naz dailies tomorrow i will be flying

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6.6 earthquake in my knick of the woods. thought I was having a stroke

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You too, Dangerjosh. May your stout be fresh, your steaks be medium rare and your fireworks be bright.

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The time has come, Iā€™ll be departing for awhile. Hope to say hi again in a month but might be quite a bit longer :roll_eyes:

You guys ( and gals! ) stay safe, enjoy some WoW for me and keep on keepinā€™ on!


Flying around like you own the placeā€¦

Also happy birthday freedom

Iā€™m flying on the 4th too.

August 4thā€¦if Iā€™m lucky.

GL out there :disappointed_relieved: