BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I will.

Basically I’ve been getting to into groups with boomies and I end up going prot, which I don’t mind.

I’d prefer to go dps, and could do supreme arms aoe dps.

If we run just spec your highest aoe damage and I’ll run the off specs we need.

You unsub because pvp is a gatekeeper for you?

Pvp island. Which does not promote pvp.

I have no issue with the 50k honor grind for rank 3, or the arena grind (though the 15 cache opens is annoying) for conflict and strife rank 3.

But the pvp island just to get the damn essence, which is just a “who’s tank can tag more mobs and which team can aoe faster” mode of play…


I was dreading island capping last night. Ended up grinding mythics and clearing them in 2-3 big pulls. Was a lot of fun.

PvP islands are just more of the same with a more competitive nature. It definitely helps to have good PvE gear but if you can’t out farm them, try to actually farm them

The mythics honesty aren’t that bad (since it’s no one but time).

I just keep getting into groups that (and I’m probably at fault too) don’t do as well as the other team in pve farming.

The one benefit is I’ve grinded my neck level to almost 50 and I got some other essence from islands

Kill them, take their resources.
That’s PvP.

I get that part. It just hasn’t seemed to be the most productive way.

The teams that win seem to just round up and aoe mobs down with pve geared tanks.

The pvp island is more pve than pvp, and the teams I seem to face (last night we went against prot warrior, Resto druid, outlaw rogue) aren’t easy to just “farm down” as they continue to gather resources and we don’t.

I’ve lost multiple games trying to do more pvp in it.

And the other team just avoids us while they pve the island to victory.

The closest I came was when we straight did the pve gather and burn tactic.

If the letter “pvp” in the title and the fact that there is an enemy team to fight make it enough pvp for you, more power to you.

I dislike it. That’s all. It’s annoying, and in general I dislike pvp modes that employ pve at all, and the more that they lean pve the less I like it.


So your issue is that your comp is not as good as theirs. Consider changing up your comp.

It’s PvP.
You can choose to avoid the PvP part but that doesn’t make it any less of a PvP environment. I get that focusing on rounding all the mobs up and burning them down may be one way of winning the island, but it is not the only way. Trying to convince yourself that it’s “more pve than pvp” is just making excuses and enabling yourself to avoid PvP.

The biggest thing to remember is if they rounded up all that stuff, if you kill them you get the tags on the remainder and set them back. What generally happens is if you engage in their aoe pull and wipe them you get to burn the last bit of health they have for the azerite and then go steal all the rare chests.

So best way to counter that playstyle is follow at a distance until they stopbto burn the mobs then blow them up and steal all the goodies.

Ummm not really? He pretty clearly explained why it’s not really PvP lol.

The most effective way to win is to round up a giant group and aoe grind them down. The pvers can actively avoid the PvP portion and win with ease. Even if you wipe them once or twice you kill mobs so much slower that you just lose.

On the arena forums some glad player was complaining because they lost to 3 pve tanks (two prot and one blood dk). They literally couldn’t kill them. If they killed one he would res and go aoe grind mobs elsewhere.

Islands really aren’t PvP.


Do not put question marks at the end of a statement. Stand firm in your statement and declare it with resolve.

So go play regular islands if you just want to PvE.
PvP islands are for the sake of PvP. It may not be the most effective way of winning, but the point is PvP engagement. As far as I know, the only mechanical difference between PvP and PvE islands is that seafarer’s doubloons do not work in PvP.

I dunno… My science back ground makes me question everything! Including my own ideas and beliefs… Doesn’t mean I change them often though, ask jugga :joy:

I’m not saying it’s not “technically” PvP. Just that if you want to win the set up and design of them discourages PvP lol… Which was what Freddy was getting at.

As for actually doing them? I don’t think a lot of people were doing them before the essence system came into effect… Dubloons and mythic pve ques allowed for faster AP grinds. You did PvP islands purely for the enjoyment of them. I’m sure a few did! The majority definitely didn’t do them before though… I think I tried one once on an alt I was trying to catch up on AP for… Long que and was very little PvP.

Now that it’s been a few days I think I have a better handle on my feeling of 8.2.

Most of the new stuff is pretty good for the most part.

However, the old crap that sucks and we’re tired of is still around.

That has resulted in there kind of being “too much to do”. I think they should have better rolled the content together or eliminated something.

Like we’re still relying on dumb Islands for AP.

And we have Dailies and Emmisaries (which were replacements for dailies).

And a sidenote: in an effort to make things “more fun and wacky”, we now have bags bursting at the seams with toys and gimmicky crafting mats that should have been A) pared down or B) made into currencies where applicable.

Thankfully, War Fronts seem to be obsoleted and deprecated, with no apparent plans for more.


You weren’t questioning yourself. You were speaking with uptalk - a disgusting habit which should be abolished from the world.

There is no “technically” about it.
It’s PvP. Dragonslayers wanting to farm PvP islands for essences does not change what the island is. It only means that Blizzard poorly implemented a system and it is having a negative reception by both PvE’ers and PvP’ers.
PvP’ers: “omg now I have to PvE to win this island wtf”
PvE’ers: “wtf why are you locking content behind PvP”

No I was questioning my understanding of his comments. I then explained what I think his statements meant to see if how I understood it made any more sense.

I have no idea what this means… :joy:

Again I’m not sure what you mean… Like yea it’s PvP. I said as much. It’s labeled as PvP. Our point is that

Pretty much this. It’s PvP but pvpers try to PvP and lose and pvers have to do it.

Exactly :+1:

Then why did you say, in the very next sentence:
“He pretty clearly explained…”
There was nothing unclear in his post. You weren’t questioning yourself.

Uptalk: "a manner of speaking in which declarative sentences are uttered with rising intonation at the end, as if they were questions."
Filthy habit popularized by millennials.

I mean that there are no stipulations. It’s PvP. That’s it. No ifs, ands, or buts. That it is a PvP environment does not change just because keyboard-turning dragonslayers want to PvE for a win.

Yea but then instead of just leaving it at that I went through my explanation of what I thought he said. Which yes I agree with…

What’s the issue with this though? It’s not mocking or full of expletives or refusing to listen to ideas…

Hmmmm wish I was a millennial… My knees would hurt less :joy:

Again we didn’t say it wasn’t PvP. However the play style discourages PvP and the way it’s currently played is not PvP…

I don’t think we disagree on as much as you think we do…

If I wanted to do islands for ap, I’d do them complaint free.

I have to win one island for the pvp essence, that’s it.

So I was just voicing my annoyance with it, and the heavy emphasis on pve in it.

Look, I’m a player who would rather win av by reinforcements than even touch the boss, as many hks as possible.

I prefer the non epics because they lack pve mechanics like bosses and vehicles, and to me the pvp island is just a horrible pve based bg with limited pvp.

That’s all it is. Just a complaint.

And sure, it’s just one, and once it’s done I’ll breath a sigh of relief to never have to do one again.

On a side note, I got 33 conquest for losing which is hilarious.


Hey I’m glad you noticed it’s me!!

If you’re down to heal some 3s blue side I’m trying to sway JD to gear his ally ret up for some ret/arms.

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