BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Almost honored with Mechagon! Not too far into Naz yet, only did a couple hours in that zone one night. I’ve enjoyed the quests when I played them. Like I said, this will actually be my first pathfinder (if I complete them)

Yeah, Emmisaries were designed as the replacement for dailies, and they lasted 3 days so people had flexibility on when they had time to do them.

Now we have Emmisaries and dailies…

I mean don’t get me wrong, there’s some alright content, but their play for engagement metrics is real.

Also, my bags are ruined by all the “zany” toys and quest items.

Right now they are… couple more days and they’ll just be annoying like the turtle quests are now. How many more days until untangling laser spaghetti puzzles are old hat, and having to glider away from 42 crabs gets tiresome?

Anyways, level 8 follower and about halfway through honored for both reps… the essence I like best is gated behind follower level. D:

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The toys are what I’m really having fun with. Sliding on a lobster shell, riding that mega fast snapdragon and don’t get me start on the amount of cool things there are for mechagon.

I don’t mind the turtle quests, they’re fast to do.
As for the current ones, they aren’t going to get bad for me as I get my flying tomorrows reset, or the next, 2k rustbolt left and that’s it now. Flying will make it all easy mode & gearing alts fun. I’m chillin.

Yeah that is why I’m stressing it so hard on getting flying, gunna level up my DH on my vacation time and throw benthic gear at him.

Pfft leveling alts.
Rogue for life.

You can ask anyone, the amount of times I’ve said I’ll level an alt and then find an excuse not to is hilarious. I’ve taken to just outright denying that alts are a thing lol.

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I used to roll plenty of alts but after MoP I started to slow down with it.
In MoP I had an alt of almost every class, exlcuding DK and Monk.
In WoD I only leveled 3 alts.
In Legion I only leveled 2 alts.
Now in BfA I’ve only bothered to level 1 alt, my druid for healing in pvp.
I am dunzo with being an altoholic. Too much of my time and attention spread out between too many toons. Game feels funner and less like a “chore” when I’m only running 1 or 2 toons.

Alts are for weebs

Laugh/cries in maximum number of characters created per account. I have 7 warlocks above level 90 :frowning:

Huzzah, BG week is over!

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Leveled my Druid to 120 and then ignored her. Got my horde to 118 and I know I’ll do the same with her so I shelved her. Keeping one character is enough for me!

Change in plans. Gonna be gone for a few days but I hope we can still do PvP island when I get back!

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Depends on work schedule, wife is gone for today and tomorrow so I won’t be able to till late Saturday/Sunday

I imagine sunfire and Lunar strike are getting you in all sorts of trouble on Naz. Haven’t had time to start any other toon but this one there and am glad I started with Squeek. I only have to be careful with going into void form.

Jadei Shmadei! I’ll take her place! :laughing::space_invader:

Yeah seriously, if anyone wants to do pvp islands I am down. I actually ended up enjoying them.

Carry me, please!!

I started running guardian when out there questing. Just travel form away with no daze risk. Just cruise through everything, dropping mass entangle or barkskin if needed, wild charge hops to cheese the terrain, etc. Screw fighting all that garbage.

i need to have an alliance alt cause i have some buds i sit in disc with and i’m playing the opposite faction which blows so i’ll lvl again and sent all that gear over ez.

Tried another pvp island with limited time yesterday.

God help me, if I lose one more just trying for the stupid essence I’m done.

This is just another reminder for why I generally unsub for long stretches and come back once catch up mechanics are in place and grinds reduced. :clap: lol, I am honestly enjoying them. What kinda setups you running man? You wanna look for two HEAVY aoe dps that can set the world on fire and either an immortal tank or a healer that can dps wel.