BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I don’t understand the rush for the grind. A few extra days to fly around to do chores instead of ground mounts? Shrug. Most people will be in Naz/Mech anyways where the only method of flying there is the jet pack (mech only afaik.)


Did my invite get lost in the mail? I moved (and switched from Fatfreddy posting to this guy), so maybe that’s why right?


Me and my wife dated on and off since we were in jr high so we were together about 9 and a half years before we decided to get married and had been living together for 3 of those years. After I proposed it was another year before we had a wedding lol.

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You can fly in Nazjatar. I saw someone flying there today.

Welcome back!

Yes, they have.

Welcome back!

Flying in Naz, Mech and all of BFA will be great. 2k rep left for Naz, then 4k left for rust. :hugs:

Wow I’ve not missed a single round of dailies and I’m barely 4K into naz.

The zones are way more extensive then you know, that’s why y’all were saying it’s tedious because you haven’t done it right :open_mouth:

These pvp islands have me ready to uninstall.

I still haven’t done that. Is it bad? You’re scaring me. :fearful:

It’s just one.

So I queued for one (I thought) last night. Went in as fury. Wrecked it. Turned out to just be a mythic.

Ok, find a group who needs a tank. I’ve got a sword and board!

Queue in, other team is straight pve squad, pulls all the mobs and wrecks it.

Game ends, we lose, I log.

If you need one, I’d be happy to run it with you some time it get it over with.

It’s just pve with other people apparently also playing.

I just want to get it knocked out so I’ll hit you up later. Dare is so immersed in his pve he won’t do any PvP with me. :wink:


I can prot it if needed. It’s just annoying is all.

I want blood of the enemy for arms and then it’s just stack honor to rank up.

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Well if there is even MORE (which I’ve been searching and I’ve done everything but catch a lot of the events) the that would mean it is even more tedious than I originally thought :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@jadei we need to do your pvp island today. No wife so after dailies I’ll have plenty of time.

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heaven forbid this game have content, take us back to wod where we sit in a garrison and play with our garden. :hugs:

Eh they should have picked either wqs or dailies, not both. I have time enough to do all the daily stuff each day and grab a few chances at mounts and that is good enough for me I guess.

What is wrong with having both, the quests have been quirky and fun. This is the best patch zone content they’ve delivered since Timeless Isle. If you don’t like them you shouldn’t do them? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

May I join the pvp island team?

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It’s just more of “collect 5 more of the this plant” “kill 15 elite naga” “kill 10trees” so I wouldn’t say quirky. The zone did grow on me though but I still hate the area with all the little crabs that magically aggro 20 lol.

But yes in all honesty I don’t HAVE to do them but I like working on the essences and need the rep for not only those but flying as well. I think it was a great idea they settled on revered rep for pathfinde. Oddly enough I enjoy everything at mechagon but it is just something about naz I can’t really get into or explain. Like I said earlier the issue isn’t really so much the amount it is more of my own time constraints. 8.2 I’d say overall is a success and is long over do.

@barrington sure!