BG forums lounge (Part 1)

As much as I hate them, I joined a zergball last night just to knock a few things out in Mechagon. It was either that or turn off wm. The struggle is real.

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Zergball? Is there a pvp event in Mechagon Im not aware of?? I only knew of the FFA occasional eventā€¦

Well if you want to use warmode you need a Zerg to do rares etc.

For me so far, I am at an impass. I like that there is lot of dailies and stuff to get this rep done quickly. I also donā€™t like the amount of dailies because it ends up all I am able to do.


Man, Im in the same boat! I had a couple hours to play yesterdayā€¦and I only got Nazjatar done. There was a PvP event up so naturally I did that, then the dailiesā€¦didnā€™t even get to fly over to Mechagon :frowning:

I havenā€™t PvPā€™d any in Mechagon yet, but in Naz there were enough players that I didnā€™t have to really join a zergā€¦there WAS a zerg group, though, going from flag to flag. I just guarded a flag. Got my kill quest done, though!

edit: I also am not sure if guarding a flag gives proper participation reward from the zone pvp eventā€¦

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My experience in Mechagon so far. :wink:


I think you have to actively kill to finish the WQ portion. Hopefully this mass amount of dailies will get us up and running for flying quickly then all these dailies from revered to exalted will take no time at all.

Finally won a wpvp event in Naz and with plenty of horde to kill.

Unfortunately I get distracted by wpvp so itā€™s slowing down my rep grind.

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I finally got all the fighters unlocked in smash bros. King dedede is by far my favorite.

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King Dedede sucksā€¦

But then he spits it back out and KOā€™s your butt.

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Which fighter do you play with?

Not gonna lie, I donā€™t play Smash Bros. Many of my gamer friends do. I guess I never understood itā€™s appeal until I just Googled.

That being said, if I see it on sale, I may pick it up.

I know about Dedede as I played many Kirby games :frowning:

I donā€™t care for all the anime characters they put on this smash bros. I guess they are part of Nintendo asian games or the developers each made their own anime fighter to put in game.

King dedede sends them all flying.

Havenā€™t convinced the wife to let me get a switch so :disappointed_relieved:

It does have some cool characters. Does this one have Ness? I loved Earthbound.

I let my wife buy a Louis Vuitton purse, so now she never says anything about when I want to buy something.

ā€¦ is this what marriage is like?

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Jeez, the game and forum has changed a lot in the 8 months I was gone.

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In truth, we never complain about when the other wants something. We both make good money. Sheā€™s just always wanted one of those and a $1100 purse is not common around here. She did ā€œaskā€ me but I think it was because she didnā€™t want to feel guilty spending that on a purse.

I ā€œletā€ her because I knew sheā€™s wanted one. Whatever makes her feel better. Happy wife, happy life.


Happy wife, happy life. She graciously lets me nerd out every so often.

For real though it is more of a mutual respect thing. I donā€™t ask things because I need permission but because we are a unit and we donā€™t make decisions solo.


Hmm fair enough. Took us 8 years to even tie the knot (one more month!) so I think weā€™re just different :joy:


Lolā€¦ still only half-way into friendly on both new factions, just been playing SS vs TM too much :smiley:

I donā€™t even care about being behind, Iā€™ll get back on the rep grind tomorrow I guess