BG forums lounge (Part 1)

RDR2 was badass (I got it for the GF) to watch. So much detail in everything. The serial killer side story was super cool. More games should have stuff like that.

I saw that but itā€™s a slider for 30 or 60. Maybe I need to adjust a config file in the game directory. Iā€™ll gewgle it later. This weekend I forsee many hours being dumped into it.

Funnily enough I watch my gf play it.

She bought it for me on release but I was heavily in 8.0.

Only Fallout Iā€™ve tried is New Vegas last year (summer sale lol!) and it was just a bit of a miss after a few hours. Was thinking of giving it another go if I hadnā€™t picked up W3.

It was close though and the only thing I can think of that made it a miss was the shooting seemed off or at least was working different than the other shooters I have tried over the past 2-3 years.

No, Witcher 3.

I enjoyed fallout for a bit.

I didnā€™t remember having to do that with that gameā€¦ o_O I know I had to do stuff with the ini files for Fallout when I tried it on PC because itā€™s horribly optimized for PC.

They need to remaster that game. It got higher reviews than 4 but I love 4. I tried 76 and its still missing something.

Keep your eyes open during Black Friday. That game loves to be very cheap then. The copy I sold to Gamestop was not the GotY. I got it on Black Friday for $8 and sold to Gamestop for $18 :joy:

If you can get over the old graphics ( canā€™t remember if it was '97 or '98 ), the original Fallout and Fallout 2 are fantastic games, grew up playing them and Baldurā€™s Gate :stuck_out_tongue: Probably my favorite games of all time, the stories are fantastic.


Did you ever get into the newer ones?

Iā€™ve beat the main storylines on all of them and havenā€™t picked up 76 yet. Theyā€™re all really well done games IMO.

Please donā€™t say yet. Its terrible.

Baldurs gate 3 soon though ayyyyyy


No joke, chomping at the bit for thisā€¦ I wonder where or how the story is going to take off from.

The older I get the harder it is to play any other game other than wow. Feels weird. I played the latest Assassinā€™s Creed and got halfway through before I just stopped caring about the story and burned through the rest of the story.

I did manage to get to paragon 220ish in diablo on my switch the past week. But thatā€™s only because I havenā€™t been able to sit at my computer desk.

I play 4 to 5 games of hots every 2 months and will play a game of wc3 every month or so.

Looking forward to wc3 remastered.

If you look through them on your HoA (shift click it like you opened your Legion weapon) you can see generally what each comes from.



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Because when you get old you get decrepit.


But you definitely get used to a certain game or style. Iā€™m having a hard time getting back into shooters. Mainly because not a single good shooter exists right now minus CSGO (which isnt very entertaining to me.)

I think consoles have a huge leg up on PC at the moment in terms of game quality (Single player games at least.)

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I miss wildstar. The game was unique in so many ways. Sadly they had devs that didnā€™t listen to feedback until it was too late.

You had to aim your abilities and there was no auto attack. Breaking out of cc was neat and intuitive. Disarm threw your weapon on the ground. You could sit the full duration and auto get your weapon back or you can run over to your weapon lying there and pick it back up early.

The storyline sucked unfortunately.

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8.2 is really good, rejuvenation to a crappy expansion. Itā€™ll be great content for 2 months. Honored with Naz now, plenty of quests even when you hit your follower to level 3 you unlock another quest chain. Hasnā€™t felt tedious to me at all, plenty of gizmos to get you around the map faster too. Very timeless isle like thereā€™s jump buffs, speed buffs & all kinds of things.

If anyone finds this tedious steer away from classic imo :smile:

Like what did people want, one quest chain and thatā€™s it? So then people can complain about a lack of content :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I didnā€™t care about flying that much, but I feel like I need to do it if only to mine/herb more efficiently and reach WQs more easily.

All the PvE isā€¦ stuff I didnā€™t want to have to do in the first place.

Have not played that many epics since I feel I ā€˜needā€™ to grind all the PvE stuff.

Aaaand in epics now there are clueless alliance in WG, for example, arguing back about things like ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter if you feed at the startā€ lol.

So yeahā€¦ itā€™s a 2/10 for me since I dislike PvE and grinds. 1 point for the creative look of Nazjatar and 1 point forā€¦ the US women smashing France tomorrow. :cowboy_hat_face:

I recommend getting as many of the WPVP achievements and goals you may want to get before flying is commonplace. WPVP is a birch once flying comes out.

If youā€™re referring to Odyssey, I did the exact same thing lol

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