BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Ok, I will give you that because the combat is clunky. But I think it’s the positives and such that out-weigh it.

God of War was cool, but no DLC? Wtf… you beat the hardest enemies in the game (Valkyries) and use their rewards for … what?

BotW? I could play that any day. Play it without a guide, makes it 10x more fun.

I probably put the most hours into BotW, around 15-20. It was cool how everything interacted but the scenery was pretty lame and way too cutesy for my taste.

God of War just felt like I was spamming attacks to get through it.

I think I just might put too much value in combat. Dark Souls is my #1 goat.

My father was never really a gamer. He played a little Nintendo with me back in the mid 80s but not much. He’s 60 years old and bought a Wii U and then Switch for my nieces to play when they visit. He has been playing BotW since it’s release. Put tons of hours in the Wii U and now the Switch. Bit of a farcry from his normal “thing” which is firearms.

You’re not wrong about God of War. The beauty of the game on PS4 Pro, excellent story and characters “quiet, head…” were great. Gotta admit, the combat was better than Witcher :stuck_out_tongue:

I admit, I’ve never played Dark Souls.

I’ve not noticed anything with the combat yet. It feels like the Arkham Asylum with how flowy it feels, but I’m only a few hours in.

So far no complaints, minus the fact you can’t adjust the mouse camera speed. I ended up just whipping out the controller and playing on that. Though it’s weird because I honestly haven’t used a controller in probably close to decade outside of 10-15 minutes here and there.

What are you playing it on?

The combat certainly felt different. I wouldn’t say clunky but I’m going to adjust mouse sensitivity and rebind a few keys that feel off to me. I’ve only run it long enough to feel like it’s working good otherwise, maybe 40 minutes so I don’t get sucked in. Looks great and in a few weeks I imagine I might be splitting my time. Especially if 8.2 really does feel like little more than a chore.

PC. I don’t own any consoles, but I’ve been teasing at the idea of getting a switch for BotW and to smash the GF at Nintendo games too.

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I tried with Witcher 3 multiple times. Just couldn’t get into it.

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Thats the thing that makes me wonder whats wrong with me. I get like 6 hours in and Im like “okay i get it, but why isnt this fun?”


I’ve played on console and PC. My PC can cap it out at 144 fps which is so buttery smooth and even though 30 fps on console pales in comparison, the 4K and HDR are gorgeous.

I only played that game when I dedicated my time to it. Some games I can split my time, usually platformers but games like Witcher, Fallout… I can’t. I’ll start playing one and have a eureka moment about something I forgot in the other.

It’s just different strokes for different folks.

That’s it.

There’s lots of things other people like that I don’t and vice versa.

I couldn’t do game of thrones as a show (read the books years ago) but apparently it’s like world renowned.

Honestly if I stop playing wow (and maybe 8.2 will kill it for me for a while) I’ll just go back to more reading and non screen recreation.

I didn’t see an option to go above 60, I might have to poke around and see if there’s a way for me to crank it up to 144. Everything else is set to ultra. The music and ambience is pretty good.

But the thing is the game seems like something that would be exactly what I want. Morrowind, Dark Souls, Divinity, Mass effect, Dragon age, were all some of my favorite games.

I can definitely focus on one game for awhile but not entirely. For example Portal and Portal 2 are my all time favorites but I was able to switch off of them after an hour or two if I had something else to do. I have a hard time doing anything exclusively for long periods of time. Especially work :rofl:

Just FYI, there are ways to get BoTW on your PC if you know how to google around :wink:

Believe it or not, that’s exactly how I started with both Witcher and Fallout. I tried to get into them and for some reason, just couldn’t. With Witcher, I got the GotY edition for a great deal so I just kept playing and by level 15, I was really enjoying it.

Fallout, I bought it, sold to Gamestop a day later. Bought it again on Black Friday a year later and I still play it.

Yea I thought the same thing. Just didn’t click for me.

Lots of times I just can’t get with a protagonist or the underlying lore enough to care.

I love divinity os but I’m struggling with 2.

Loved rdr but I’m struggling with rdr2.

I sold mine back to GameStop a while back.

Honestly I’d try it again if it felt into my lap.

I believe there is a frame rate limiter selection in video options. You can select “unlimited.”

I regret never playing those. Valve made some great games in the past (still waiting for Half Life 3…). Portal just seemed weird to me, despite it’s phenominal reviews.

Fallout? If so, I just had to 1) Understand why each of the SPECIAL stats are important for what and 2) A build that I enjoyed. Currently, stealth/melee with Throatslicer. One-shotting Deathclaws is fun.