BG forums lounge (Part 1)

If I’m on late tonight (11 est) I’ll queue with ya.

I was wondering what happened to you, lol.

Zandis look… erm… interesting… Yeah that’s the right word, I think. :grin:

Will be headed home in 10mins. I’ll start putting it together shortly after.

I’m trying to check - is PvP islands a requirement for unlocking something?

A quest that gives an essence

So if you don’t do the quest you can’t get the essence any other way?

dont believe so.

OK, ty Dar! :smile:

if you need it on your ally toon i can try and help :slight_smile:

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Thanks!! I’ll probably take you up on that later! My hubs is trying to catch up to get the quest. :smile:

By the time I finished all the dailies and new chains, it had already taken almost 3 hours and it was bed time. Gunna have to buckle down this weekend.

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Anyone else kinda feel meh about 8.2?

I log in and look at the grindy nature of things and would rather log off than get into it.

Neither zone really does anything for me, the quests are meh, relatively confusing, and then there’s just too much stuff in too little space.

Plus it seems like WM sharding is all out of wack.

I’m gonna try some more tonight/tomorrow, but overall I feel underwhelmed by it while simultaneously overwhelmed with the grind (rep, essences).

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I’ve barely played so far. Not out of choice entirely but just time. I’ve only been able to do the intro quests and a few dailies. I feel like this is going to be a make or break moment for a lot of players because it’s quite obvious there’s a large time investment needed.

Probably going to get a lot of it started and explored this weekend.

Witcher 3 is on sale on steam right now. I’m only 2 hours in and so far it’s pretty top tier. I can see why all the hype is there.

This is certainly bugging the hell out of me. Tried to get to a rare eel last night and had to kill 10 lesser eels with about 200k health each and by the time I got to it, the first ones I killed respawned behind me. Left me no room to maneuver considering how hard things hit. Just a damn chore to get to things much less get things done as a result.

Mechagon is a little better but just less to do except grind.

Actually downloading it right now, $11.99 FTW! Bought it and a platformer called Ori and the Blind Forest along with a couple 50 cent puzzle games last night. I might start it today but yeah if it’s good enough…

Kiss several hours of your life goodbye :stuck_out_tongue: The Witcher 3 is a great game but man, it’s long.

It isn’t so much that it is meh I just don’t have time anymore. Having this much content right out the gate without timegating is pretty cool I just need to pace myself a bit better and really worry about the dailies over wasting all day on quest chains that I can do later.

Had some really good fights in mechagon last night. Had a group of 5 picking the stragglers of a 6 bounty multi raid horde group that was running around. Jet packs made the hit and run work out really well.

52 hours is average for full completion from what I’m seeing. Red Dead Redemption 2 is about 49-51 hours.

I’m actually really excited to get into this. I’ve been waiting ages for it to go on sale after I kept reading how good it is.

The trick is balancing WoW and this.

edit: I got a few kills last night but it seems really hard to find people in Nazjatar, then again it might be the time or areas I was in. Shrug.

I will say the random stackable buffs all over are pretty neat. I had 6 stacks of the damage reduction and 6 of the haste/crit. I’m guessing there’s probably a ton more out there I’ve not come across yet.

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Oh honey, that’s if you just do the main story. The game is too fun to just do that :stuck_out_tongue:

I have that problem with Fallout…

I don’t understand why its such a well receieved game. Its beautiful and the story is great, but the combat is so clunky and un-fun. I find myself disagreeing with the majority of gamers so often in games, it makes me wonder whats wrong with me.

Breath of the Wild, God of War, that robot hunting game for PS4, couldn’t stand any of them, yet they were widely received as games of the year.

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