BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I got one from a rare too. Banked it for god knows who/when.

And yea, Naz is just like every other .2 expansion zone… hideous, lots of drops to the death…

I will say, I was doing a quest, kept running into this undead lock.

i’m on my KT warrior. Killed him twice. He switches to demo, kill him again.

The quest has you teleport on top of a tower to kill a boss.

I go up there, he shows up. I play nice, wave at him, let him kill boss first. I mean, I’ve killed him 3 times without losing much health, I have nothing to prove.

He kills the boss and opens up on me. Come on dude!

So I wind up the haymaker, and good lord I couldn’t stop laughing as he flew away to his death.

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It’s 11:09 PM and I’m only just now getting started on the 8.2 stuff :laughing:

I guess it’s true time flies when you’re having fun :cowboy_hat_face:

Now that im seeing most of the stuff i was taking into consideration on naz being tedious was the regular questlines and not the repeatable ones. I guess doing it all at once felt awful but im doubting itll be that bad going further.

Naz is good, doesn’t seem tedious at all really. Gives me a real timeless isle feel with the gear and such. Won 2 of those PVP events and looted a few supply drops. The most painful thing on the island was god damn candy crush, took me like 45 mins to match 5.

I fell asleep twice at my PC and woke up dead so I quit when I made it to magni. Hoping to start in on it sometime today.

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As someone who hates max level quest chains I didn’t find it so bad. I got the wqs opening up quickly enough. What I don’t like is the mess of a landscape. I find it funny that the place was just underwater for centuries and yet there’s these well worn footpaths for roads :rofl: I didn’t get everywhere as once I stumbled into a quest for companion XP that bugged I sighed and went to Mech.

I went all over that tiny island, got the explore achieve etc. Saw nothing that involved this. I saw in some video a day or two ago showing it briefly but no sign of it. Where would it be?

The naga do a lot of walking or something underwater!!

Reeeeaaaaaaaally now. I seem to remember them swimming in that Vashjir place. I didn’t like having to look up all the time.

Got a quest chain of puzzle like quests from doing all the other quest chains really :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Naz I am just not a fan of i guess. Really dislike the zone. Mechagon is pretty nice though with a bunch of different things you can make (which some will probably be useless soon) and collect. Cant wait for the dungeon to open tbh.

Idk, aesthetically pleasing zone. Ran around with the ds boys yesterday and just farmed it all, won a couple of naz battles too. It’s the BFAS broken shore version and it’s much better than that place. 8.3 will have the big argus like one, assuming old god stuff.

With flying it’ll be very accessible.

I can say i like the design for sure, the art team did amazing work. Layout wise just sucks without flying atm. One big thing I immediately noticed is you arent funneled into 30 mobs everywhere you turn like argus had you do and that already is a huge plus.

Yeah I hope so too.

I audibly groaned when we had to go into Neltharion’s Lair… and do the god dang “soak 5 glowing spots on the floor with the HoA” quest.

I was like “are you serious right now, Blizzard?”

once you get to naz the there is A LOT to do but it is because of all the initial quests and the dailies. Once the initials are outa the way itll be like Old dailies plus the WQs and that will be all you have to mess with.

Yeah it just seemed like an annoyingly lot to do. I didn’t even get to Mechagon before I ran out of time (had stuff going on yesterday)

it is just a lot of little spin off chains. Really no more than any general zone it is just they are all mostly available right off the bat instead of having arbitrary timegating thrown in. Mechagon doesnt have much outside a bunch of neat crafting things and rare hunting. It is a MUCH smaller zone and id suggest doing it second since it is really only one big quest chain and a couple of mini ones.

I never thought I’d hear myself saying “this is too much content” in modern Warcraft (do dailies and an emmisary lol), but much of that was one-time quests I assume will be easier tomorrow.

I’m happy with it. Unlocked mechagon but wanted to unlock conflict and strife so ran a bg.

Made the post about pve raid teams in bgs since with conflict and strife hoa essence it seems we’ll be seeing them.

Was honestly funny. Full 5 man ED horde raid group, geared to almost 300k health. Could not play dwg or even pvp without backpedaling poorly.

Need to do pvp island now and an epic (groan) win to unlock it.

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Anyone enjoying the new professions stuff?

The Naga Hide enchant (Agi/str proc and 15k shield) is hilarious at low levels. The agi proc is scaled to your level but the absorb shield isn’t.

Fun BGs on my brewmaster last night…

Looking forward to sinking my time into making:

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