BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I will make a thread soon with a compilation of the suggestions and ask for more. Then make a straw poll and pick the one with the highest vote count.

Are you qualified to do that? I thought bdm was the local straw poll connoisseur

And look at me leveling to 24 already. Haymaker is so boss.

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Maybe take the top 8 or 16 names and then seed a bracket.

Run a strawpoll tournament to determine the final winner. #1 seed vs. #16 seed, #2 seed vs. #15 seed, etc.

So I saw the Drust emmisary quest was a wep cache. My lock sitting with a lowly 375 staff needs an upgrade but for the lock it was only going to be a 375 wep.

But hold on! there were two other wqs for upgrades that should up that 375. So I went to Zan, then Nazmir, got the upgrades and yup, the Drust reward was up to 385.

So off I go!

Do my 4 wqs, go to turn in the reward and BAM! It upgraded aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand…a 395 off hand piece I got nothing to go with.

Logging off til tuesday. (stick that in your metrics blizz) :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I got a random two handed int mace. Havent seen one of those since BC boomy. Well outside of some other classes getting one.

Have the servers even been announced for people to start planning? I wanna start asking people what their plans are but I don’t wanna be a dumdum.

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I don’t think so, at least not that I’ve seen. I too want to know where people are going already…I think all we know is there are going to be PvE, PvP, and RP servers…and the RP-PvP realm is either not likely or Blizz is “on the fence” about it…depends on the source you read.


<Fish Feasts>

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yall in here hitting that mfin yeet?

if I catch ya, it’s a thumpin

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And then there’s my fren Stumblin who never logs on anymore.

Got in an SSM vs 5 elementals last night. As much as I didn’t like all the purge, lightning lasso and wind shear, I just kept reminding myself “at least it’s not 5 fire mages”.


I haven’t seen anything yet. I saw someone asking earlier, wanting to know the locations of the realms so they could choose appropriately to avoid high latency. I’m hoping that information will be available before the 13th, but who knows.

Have to figure out the best place for the forum squad as well.

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Right? I was in a EotS with 4 fire mages. Dumbest thing in my life, and that’s not even counting the knockback classes which were present.

Oh well, dusted myself off and beat the next one that had a premade from my server which we beat as a pug. So there’s always sun peeking through the clouds.

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Really hoping ill have enough time today to actually see the new stuff. Asked to go in tomorrow in the evening instead of the morning so i can stay up late.

Call in sick with the Azerite Flu. If they ask what that is, just make static noise with your mouth and fake a bad signal.

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The way my account is set up, I cant afford it.

Zax join Darkspear discord?
Dare you can too if you want mr lurker. Been wpvping with everyone again, getting everyone back for Classic and rest of BFA until then.

Are you going to roll alliance with us?

Nope undead for life.

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But your hairy arms…