BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Interesting. By changing original barrington and then making a new barrington, somehow this one has the post count of the original…

It’s like my fatness absorbed him into me



I read somewhere that we can start saving names on Aug 13. Someone said it in game too. Not sure.



Thanks, Josh.

I think picking a server will be harder though.

Is there a forumites guild name yet?

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Hardest decision for me is which group do I put my “main” with? Ive got current guild, vanilla guild, pvp community I used to be a part of, and the BG Forum group to pick between…I’ll probably have to just pick one and change later depending on actual activity in the guilds…what a process.

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Not yet and I’m getting nervous.

I don’t have that problem, since all my old friends quit. A few might come back and a couple family members. I’ll probably put an alt with family, since they aren’t as likely to play as much.

Get busy, Mr. Mayor! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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[High Post Count]
[Forum PvP]
[Forum Famous]



[Baddies and Buddies]

[Cool PvP Forum Nerds]

[50 Shades of Slay]

[Are We There Yet]

And, it’s too long, but just for JD…

[Let’s Call the Whole Thing Office]

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I actually really like these two.

I will have watched the entire series in 12 days around this time tomorrow.

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The Fab Forum(ites) - We could name all our toons after the Beatles :stuck_out_tongue:

The Forum Horsemen (dibs on Pestilence!)

The Forum Tops

The Forum Seasoned


Forum Famous made me smile.


I’m still here and around, butttttt I am not enjoying BfA that much. I miss PvP Vendors too damn much :frowning:

Anyways, I’ll always be keeping my character up to date each patch. Take care for now!

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You gonna join for Classic?

Forum PVP or Forum Famous are pretty good.

Should we be bg forum specific or just forum in general?

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They let you post again??

<BG Forum Fam>
<BG Forum Fan>

What about BG Forum Famous?

Or something like that.

And good lord I need to stick to one toon to post on…

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Who’s gonna make the final decision on the name?