BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Yes, but I’d argue the win rate skyrocketed because of the buff to NPCs - Galv in particular - which completely ended the alliance Galv zerg tactic - which horde rarely chose to defend against unless a raid premade was directing them.

And actually horde raid premades that used the strong defense strat were running before the prepatch, and that helped to teach horde how that defense can win. It’s just that when Galv was buffed so he was essentially unkillable, that one change made the horde realize how strong the IB choke area is for slowing/preventing any advance by the alliance team.

I really wish I had experienced WoD’s PvP. I keep hearing it was a pretty good time.

3rd post in a row so I have to make it good… (hah)

If anyone’s into murder mystery-thrillers set in interesting locales, I recently binge watched the first season of Black Spot on Netflix and highly recommend it! French-Belgian production.

Also, GO USWNT!! :us: :soccer: :us:

i resubbed, much regret, game is so bad idk how y’all are still playing. hopefully 8.2 on the 25th :smiley:

You’re not alone. Death to fotm fire mages!

You have no idea how rewarding it felt for me to use Spell Reflect on a fully buffed fire mage that just finished casting a Greater Pyro Blast and seeing their health drop to almost zero.

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I never thought I’d say this but I kinda miss having to put up with Chaos Bolts… at least they were more prone to interruptions.

I remember throwing this one Fire Mage off in this BFG, I cut him off around the middle in between LH and WW, and he didn’t expect me to pop CD’s and use Bubble straight off the bat. Even when he had to use iceblock right then and there by the time it was up I still had half my burst left.

I admit I always feel like a dunce when I HoJ myself because I don’t notice mass spell reflect when I’m trying to stun someone else and a Warrior happens to be near by.

That’s why I love dark sim on my dk.

In wpvp the other day I dark simmed a glacial spike and sent a 43k Crit back at the mage.

That and I can practically time a ret bubble and steal it.


WoD shadow priest = greatest class design ever

Yesterday I brought my first horde toon to Zan. Had to do the stuff I get to skip ally side with like 3 other people. So depressing to do I had to stop when finished. Hopefully either 8.2 or steam summer sale saves the day.

Is that a Fallout reference? I never played them, they look boring. And 76 isn’t doing that franchise any help

Join the fun!!!

Yea, it was a fallout reference.

It’s a fun game. Sandbox wacky, lots of goofy references.

Haven’t played since Xbox 360 though.

When is the steam summer sale, I just bought something off steam :sweat_smile:
Game is in such a depressing state sadly, 8.2 looks good but I think Classic will really hold us over until next expansion which will hopefully be a big one.

I haven’t played on console since the original Xbox. D:

Indications are the sale will be the last week of June starting the 25th. I bought Grim Dawn for 5 bucks a few weeks ago. It’s a Diablo type game, fun but doesn’t hold my attention for more than an hour or two. Which is pretty good for a single player game for me.

I’m not a huge fan of it myself. I mean it can be a fun game, but I can only invest my time into one game that involves having to level, pick talents or whatever, and always looking to upgrade… and this is pretty much it.

Now I haven’t played 76, and I don’t think I ever will.

ahhhh damn, i just bought rainbow six siege.

I don’t think Galv ever mattered that much, he doesn’t even buff the boss (like warmasters do) so from a strategy perspective he isn’t important. The real reason Horde does so much better in epics is because of the addition of the “Random Epic Battleground” button during BFA prepatch.

Before battlegrounds got separated into the regular/epic categories most of the Horde actively blacklisted/avoided the 40-mans, so they were basically “free wins” for Alliance. But after Horde actually started showing up to the fight/started trying, Alliance fell apart pretty quick and their win-rate plummeted/fell thru the floor


That’s just one of 166 games on my “wishlist” I only buy when the price is reduced because I’m a cheapskate and I don’t feel bad about that…except for getting Portal and Portal 2 for 3 bucks total. They were worth way more than that.

I was playing an alt 72 Warrior the other night and this UH DK kept asphyxiating himself. Guy did it like 4-5 times and it made me chuckle every time.