BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Was at least productive and knocked out some PVP achievements, with 6 more near completion. 8% more to 100% PVP completion. Have to go do wintergrasp :disappointed_relieved:

That never happened.

Get a Horde toon for that one

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You were too busy being carried to notice.


Ok Mr KSer. Just executing all of my hard earned work and skipping away like no big deal.

i c u

Damn. Do people actually play WG? Hope it won’t be impossible to queue in

Well it’s in the epic BG queue so yea, you can specific queue for it.

Typically alliance side you see about 10 people leave before the match starts. I’ve pmuch given up on the epic queue w/o spm because of WG being such a disaster ally side. Get your horde up for that one and keep a hand free to cover your mouth when you yawn repeatedly.



It’s not quite 10+ before it starts, but it’s a decent amount, I regularly see at least 4-5 Alliance leave before the starting gate even opens in Wintergrasp

When (not if) Alliance loses the first teamfight, that’s when the revolving door really gets going :joy:

Sometimes it’s hard to even follow the chat because you see so much of this getting in the way:


That CS thread was a good read. Silly Worgens.

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I didn’t realize the socio-economic pressures put upon the worgen community by us undead, and I appologize for my comments.


Yeah, you better


Any chance anyone here plays diablo on the switch?

I’d play it on my phone but I could never get invested into the game.

It’s pretty fun on the switch. I enjoy it more on it than on pc for sure.

I would get a switch but then how would I play on the forums all day?

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Fair point lol.

My iPhone tells me I’m on the forums a lot…

But I’m bored at work so often!!

Am I supposed to like, feel my feelings and be present in my reality?

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You’re getting too philosophical on me with the meds I am currently on.

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I finally finished my journey to 110 via BGs.

Honestly this is kinda on par with twinking. Leveling semitwinked was an absolute blast. I highly suggest it to anyone who doesnt mind stopping for a half hour every few leveling brackets.