BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Really late reply because I haven’t followed this thread for a bit but…

The issue is an interesting one. I’ve always played for fun, but a big part of the fun is 1) having a reasonable win rate (45%+ for alliance is/was ‘acceptable’ for me) and 2) gaining a meaningful reward toward PvP-centric gear progression.

I do not understand people who say things like “casual BGs should not provide good gear for PvP.” Yes, they should. They should provide gear for PvP that’s better than gear acquired via casual PvE. Though I tend to agree that BGs shouldn’t provide gear that’s better for PvP than top-tier arena (2k+) or top-tier raiding. Anyway, I’m not sure why people would disagree with that.

I mean sure, on paper, it makes all too much sense.

But look at the toxicity and whining that goes on. Most of those people would not be there, because they wouldn’t feel “forced” to be somewhere they don’t enjoy.

That is the conundrum in a nutshell, as I see it.

Honestly I didn’t care that much about the legendaries because they didn’t seem to do that much for my spec… Although I didn’t like/care so much about Legion gear, what I did like was the template system at max level.

For me things stopped being as fun right at the prepatch for BfA - and since then they’ve gradually gotten worse for content I try to enjoy on alliance side. Horde side is fine except for queue times.

Again just speaking for myself… since gear matters more now than it did in Legion, on the less dominant/generally weaker alliance side, I feel pressure to keep up with gear because I don’t want to fall behind and because alliance seem to have to depend more on geared people… (just talking conquest because that’s how I gear). However, on horde side I feel fine being generally behind in gear because I have more confidence that horde teamwork and understanding of strat and much better-played DKs more than makes up for some of us not being ‘very well geared.’

only 800 extra credits lol

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The millers they had us on were a testbed model that had a reversed motor. Would run mig, and two grinders without leaving idle. Buddy set up the arc on it after wards and only after hooking up the stinger and burning a rod did it leave idle. I would have done terrible things to get that rig.

Ja ja, creepy is bad.

And so are stinky cheese balls with horns.

It’s really the conundrum in that people have very polarized playstyles. Back in the day people were okay doing dungeons for items. Today, some people are just very against it. Is that perhaps because BG’s were over-rewarding in the past?

I guess the real crux of the matter is it the shift to modern retail wow that’s’ progressed over a long period of time that’s kind of put the game in a corner where there’s no real resolution anybody would be happy with?

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Good point. I think you’re fine with running PvE for PvP gear - and maybe many are too? I never was. I enjoyed the honor system and a PvP stat like resilience. The main reason I quit during Cata was because I hated how arena had taken over PvP gearing progression and PvP ‘balance.’ Today, if my guild wasn’t dead I would likely run mythics with them for better gear. I miss having a very active, casual guild with great people who have your back.

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I think the BFA prepatch period was the end of Horde being AFK from/blacklisting epics. As soon as the Horde actually started showing up to epics/40 mans, the Horde win-rate just skyrocketed

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I just figure out whatever has the best gain/time ratio, and hit it hard that’s all. I’m okay with doing anything, but I’m quick to drop things that aren’t as lucrative as others. I stopped raiding a few months ago, for example.

Having a good guild is great, but even good guilds can be fleeting as people lose interest quickly these days.

It’s a big reason why if I focus on any PVE it’s working on raider io score, as that’s a something that I can use later.

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PvE should never be the primary way to acquire PvP gear, nor should it give top tier ( or an equivalent ) PvP gear. I really enjoyed WoD’s PvP gear scaling, it helped with that issue.


This needs more explanation lol.

Fire at least has more finesse than destro

I won’t argue with you there…

I’m just tired of seeing the influx of all these FOTM Fire Mages that you can tell are only in it for the big G-Pom numbers.

I’ve dueled a few Fire Mages who I can tell play the spec because they have always liked it, and they ALWAYS give me a fun fight… and it’s just so easy to tell the difference.

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Lol how so? The engine in idle had enough power to run mig and a couple of grinders. Didn’t need to load up until after he started using the stinger for the arc attachment in addition to the other stuff.

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I wish fire wasn’t good so fire wasn’t meta. I did frost to 2.3 last season. Have played like 2 weeks of this season properly and won’t play until they fix everything in 8.2 (hopefully). Likely fire will stay the same for season 3 unless they want to shake the meta.

Yeah there was a fire mage giving me hell in a BG earlier today. He was literally using his whole toolkit. It was refreshing in an era of FM’s just casting blink, scorch, and GPB. Clearly a career fire mage and not a fotm reroller.

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That’s how I feel about these rerolling Rets who come to the forums and see some dummies whining because they run into a Rets burst and die. Then those same Rets get a few good licks in, start feeling “cocky” and then they come across someone who knows how to kite/cc and all around negate their burst damage, just to turn around and roll them into the ground. They complain about getting no heals because they’re too busy using BoP on themselves, leaving their healer to die.

First actual duel against an equally geared Fire Mage was a slobberknocker. He got desperate even and used Nitro Boost (which I’m not sure if it’s frowned upon or not, I won’t use it unless someone else does first) so I used mine in return and barely won with maybe 10% HP left.

Then the last one I dueled was in a group with me waiting for a queue, and granted I didn’t have a good LoS since it was on the dock by the boat in Zandalar… I tried to go behind the little stack of boxes by the Honorbound Quartermaster thinking I could heal, which would have turned the tide in my favor but nope… a big ol’ fireball goes right through it and BAM, lost.

Even the Mage laughed about it and said “Nope that won’t work lol”… but man was it a lot of fun. Sure a good Fire Mage will hit hard and have decent CC… but at least it’s not obnoxious RP-walk like Frost/Arcane is.