BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Just tell her you enjoy a cup of Joe once and a while.

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I donā€™t know if sheā€™d level something from 1.

She plays BM Hunter so I think sheā€™s ok with it.

It seemed easy!!

She did have a rogue, leveled to like 30 or so, but that was too complicated for her.

Itā€™s literally like everyone I meet now is named Joe.

Speaking of which, one Joe just texted meā€¦

Assassin is really basic, Outlaw too. Sub takes a bit of practice

Nothing is as basic as dh though. Then you have the mobility and double jump.

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Yea. I think itā€™s just the whole, sticking to someone thatā€™s tough for her.

She struggled with kiting on hunter too.

Itā€™s a sad day in PvP when you have more respect for Destruction Locks than you even a smidgen towards FOTM Fire Mages.

And no, Iā€™m not taking a jab at the ones whoā€™ve always enjoyed playing Fire before this current asinine Fire Mage metaā€¦ just the ones who rerolled to make the spec look dull as dirt.

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As a Destro main for 15 years, I hate itā€™s current iteration.

Warlock is in a very odd state.

Sometimes you just have to run from the warlock to see if they want to play chase.

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Almost done with the 8 hour drive home. One of these days Iā€™m gunna find a welding job on the coast and just move there.

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I did Kabar Welding for a Manufacturing Company that was contracted by the U.S. Military, making tentsā€¦ and it was one of the best jobs Iā€™ve ever had. I mean it didnā€™t pay HUGE (it tend to be more production base where the company made it impossible for most machine operators to even make production just so they can skimp them on pay) but luckily for me once this old dude who who was my welding partner who kinda looked like Willie Nelson quit after I had to take a personal leave of absence, I could run the machine by myself and wouldnā€™t have to share rate.

I liked the dude, he always kept me higher than alien pā€“ssy with his script of hydrocodone rofl

She should try healing, it works out pretty good for scrubs like me who suck at killing things

I think I am at 320ish now ilvl lulzā€¦

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Nice you should live forever now

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Hardest part is right out the gate needing a rig and truck fresh out of college to get a job which is why I gave up on using my degrees. Nice looking off shore X-ray line jobs Iā€™m looking into or possibly water welding for a few years to get a head start in the area.

If you have the truck and tools and certification you can be set for life, because welding is not something you can just pick up and learn in a matter of days.

The machine welding I did pretty much did it for me, but the biggest thing I hated was in the summer the weather would cause my machine to arc out, putting holes in the material because it gets too hot, setting me behind, and causing me to have to either patch it up or dispose of it because it was too badly damaged. I would constantly be having to adjust the temperature gauges just to make sure it wouldnā€™t repeat the blow outs, which also would cause me to have to rehit the material two-three times because it wasnā€™t hot enough to weld it together.

I donā€™t miss the burns, thatā€™s for damn sure.

We move about as fast as a Tortollan.

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Do you miss inhaling all of those sweet, sweet vapors that welding gives off?

Ah yes, the sweet smell of cancerous radiation. You know how many caps it cost me to remove all those rads? 100!

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Dude, I know a lot of females in this game. Most are just quiet about it because most of the the male population of the game are creepy hornballs who think itā€™s time for teh secks.