BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I can safely say that this will not be a thing that happens. “Sympathy” is not what anyone I know wants. They want normalcy. Having sympathy for someone’s life is anything but normalcy. It’s condescending.

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Well wait for it. I went to see Rocketman last night (great movie), and the previews beforehand had several very forgettable and very obvious agenda-driven movies. Yawn.

And ironically, Rocketman didn’t really have an agenda.


This happens for literally anything, though…not just human rights issues. Cancer. Shootings. Natural disasters. That is an issue with corporations, not those they are trying to pander to.


Yes and no. Yes, it happens for anything, but no, there is an issue with people being pandered to imo.

I’m not superficial about this topic as people dear to me are impacted. For instance - Hilton Hotels spread their franchise into the middle east where homosexuals are still executed, and then have the nerve to put on this huge public pride image because they understand people (consumers) that merely virtue signal by responding to their pride ploy, do no checking on their corp.

That’s a two part problem I believe.


That would be an information problem…or misinformation problem. Nothing is that transparent and not everyone can do the research about every decision they make. I didn’t know that about Hilton, for example. Luckily I went the AirBnB route over the weekend!


I love renting from owners. I’ve met some really nice people that way. I owner rent every time I go to the FL Keys. :smile:


We stayed in one in this sleepy little desert town. The owner of the Air BnB was the chef at a restaurant in town. She gave us a great little place to stay and cooked us amazing meals, combined around the same cost as staying in a name brand hotel with stale continental breakfast. That was the most real BnB experience I’ve had from the app…and we’re going to other sleepy desert towns with observatories hoping for a similar experience.


Jelly, jelly, jelly - I am full of jelly.

I haven’t been on a vacay, even for a weekend, since I had the little dude in Mar 2015. :grimacing:


What you need is a creative gimmick to get a vacation. Get the kid some tattoos. “Youngest kid in the world with full sleeves” would at the very least get you a trip to wherever talk shows are filmed. Genius!


Can we just pass Freddy off as the tattooed wonder? We’ll have him walk around on his knees so he’s close to a 4 yr old height!


Exactly my point. I dont care other than companies exploiting it and people jumping on that bandwagon.

On a positive note, this was seething shore and this poor rogue landed on a node and hid right behind it and capped in the middle of the opening team fight.

I’ve been in 4 games since this and I was a backfill in every one. Am I being punished?


Hahaha. I’m game for a free vacation.

Now that I’m finishing both sleeves I’m planning on tattoo tourism.

Basically whenever I travel internationally I’m going to try and get some ink from a local artist.

We’re going to Paris this August and my gf has an appointment with some dude there.

I’d like to get a traditional Japanese tattoo in Japan, as well as a traditional Polynesian stick and poke when we go to New Zealand (hopefully 2021 if we can pull it off).


Will you walk the path to Mordor?

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Fat Freddy’s Drop (namesake and favorite band) is from New Zealand. As are the Black Seeds another group I like.

Fat Freddy’s never comes to the US so we’re trying to travel to see them once a year like a pilgrimage.

Last year was London, this year maybe Dublin. Literally weekend trips - fly out Friday, concert on Saturday, fly back Sunday.

Eventually i want to go to NZ for a good two weeks, especially when they’re touring in the homeland.


I had some cousins that went to New Zealand and did the whole mordor thing and they said it was the best trip of their life.

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I keep getting “Tranfer aborted: instance not found” messages when I attempt to enter a bg or even when I’m in flight between zones. Thank you, levitate and goblin glider for keeping me from falling to my death! I couldn’t even zone out of Zuldazar after doing world quests last night. “transfer aborted”.

It’s hit or miss. Sometimes I actually get in a bg and then dc when it’s over only to log into a loading screen back into the bg I just left or “world server down”.

I’ve tried every suggestion I can find to fix it, but since the problems are not just with WoW, pretty sure it’s an ISP problem.

Not a fun night last night. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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No it’s a Blizzard issue. They hate filthy humans so they like to troll them. :partying_face:

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Come on, I’m not a merc, I have no fish feasts in my bags, no plans to throw the game either. There is absolutely no reason for Blizzard to not let me in.

On second thought, maybe it is Blizzard trolling me. One of the few bgs I actually got into was TP vs 3 fire mages and a destro thrown in for good measure.

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I’ve been perm banned 3 times :cry: my last one was only lifted from personal contact with a blizz cm through discord. Then he got fired in the acti purge, forever missed Ythe :sob:

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