BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Have you tried turning it off and back on?

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The lights are on. Is the third one suppose to be blinking?

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when in doubt, say yes


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Here in rural TN it’s easy for things to just not work so you have to call tech support. They have a script I know but I can’t help but troll a little. When they ask you to turn the router off I sometimes pretend that I am clueless and say…

“hold on let me get to my breaker box… ok I am looking at my breaker box with the door open. Which switch is it?”


I submitted a ticket about my missing conquest (not getting the correct catchup amount).

After the “not very helpful” response I received, I decided to take your advice and rp it.

I wrote:

I am a death knight, spreading plague with my blade and my minions. I have risen from death to bring a festering plague upon this earth. I must be rewarded appropriately for my battles in the arena.


That is so beautiful.

The temps will have no idea what you said because they cs for all activision games so your problem will get better eyes on it guaranteed.

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“My car battery is now unplugged, how long do I wait?”


Lol I may actually use that one next time.

“ok I think I have the ice maker turned off. I don’t see any ice falling.”

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I’m in! Seems like the hamster has his wheel going again. GG blizz

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Maybe we three can get some queues in tonight?

I’m bout to pick up the kid for Friday night pizza night (first at the new house!).

Maybe make some s’mores too.

Probably be in around 10 est.


The only thing that bothers me is the amounts of fake pandering by big companies that happens for digital back pats. Otherwise im down for any group/interest group having a celebration.

I blame all the movies and TV shows with obvious agendas.

There have always been strong female protagonists that people loved, like Ripley and Leia. Yet for whatever reason, we now have this new wave of superficial characters like Rei and Captain Marvel that represent just an agenda and not an interesting story.

There’s been some pushback against this, and it’s signalled a new wave of virtue signalling.

I feel that in 2019 most reasonable and sane people don’t give a damn what race/color/gender/identity/whatever people are. If someone still hates women or LGBT people or whatever, they’re not going to flip because a movie about superheroes or space wizards said so.


Lawd, people. It’s not about “sympathetic” or any other thing. And I don’t have “sympathy” for my gay son, or my gay bestfriend of 24 years. How condescending, and holy $#@ would they ever be offended by sympathy. What I have is love. Daily. And reality. You know, that thing that exists outside forums full of the “I’m gay” trumpeters that have a large percentage chance of saying so for other reasons. Bumper-stickers across the forehead is not a thing for most people that are gay, but seems to be pronounced in forums and twitter, and every other social media setting. I wonder why? I know zero gay people (and I know quite a few) that speak in that manner.

You all jump to quick conclusions.


Oh they’ll find a way to find issue with that. Just you wait.

I was accused as well, and I live with a gay couple.

INB4 I’m a masochist homophobe who enjoys it.

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Wait for someone to say that first, doesn’t help to put words in anyone’s mouths.

Just saying.

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You are dead on the money. If people are prejudiced in that manner, no amount of media is going to change that. You either have an open heart, or you don’t. All people need to be evaluated by the content of their character and nothing else.


done! That was a long wait :wink:

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Didn’t need to be done back I mean. It was Violet’s to answer and she did quite well.

Back to Lounge :poop:

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Implying I was in agreement because I liked the post!

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I’m aware.

And that ain’t Lounge :poop:

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