BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Pretty sure we are nevergiffers at this point.

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I deserve gifs through carrying so many of you through pvp, especially jadei.

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The man who first taught me how to become a fish :joy:


I wish I knew what you meant by this :flushed:

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The fish feast in bfg. Itā€™s become quite popular lately.

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Oh lmao. Yeah I taught herc that inadvertently as I was flopping around like a fish saying wtf herc and then he realised his new troll move. :fish:

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Just putting up with Jadei and all her hostility towards poor innocent fire mages especially should grant us certain privileges.


I agree with this so much. Always hearing her complaining about fire mages needs to be rewarded. Especially when sheā€™s playing a shadow priest :rage:

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And omg, fire mages in seething shore or SSM! I swear I fear for my safety when that happens she becomes so unstable and hostile.


Anyone else having fish for supper tonight?


What a troll!


Says the gnome who had one job and failed thatā€¦ no bgs that start with S!

And Iā€™ve never denied I have an unhealthy hate for fire mages. (Mine should be 120 soon.)


I have a question for you all, purely hypotheticalā€¦donā€™t need anyone doing any research here.

Question: What would be the easiest spec to play in PvP while driving?

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Ret Paladin.

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Iā€™m taking that answer personally.

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Is it less personal if I post on a Paladin?


Or a Paladin?

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Interesting, tried posting on a couple more of my Paladins and got a:

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Depends. Automatic? Stick?

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Letā€™s say automaticā€¦most of the people reading this will be from a generation that doesnā€™t do stick shift

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