BG forums lounge (Part 1)

How did you interpret their statement? You liked their post, so feel free to tell us.

They donā€™t want to be constantly barraged by LGBT issues. You can deeply care about the issues the community faces without wanting it in your face.

Iā€™m deeply concerned about Trump being my president, but I donā€™t want to go to a gaming forum and read about him.

Or, if you want an example of something that doesnā€™t directly affect me (A straight dude):

I care deeply about the crashing insect population (An amateur entomologist), but I donā€™t want to read about it in WoW.

What constitutes intrusive? The ā€œin your faceā€ part I mean.

If I have to see something more than 5 times a day on various internet forums, Iā€™d say its become intrusive, but I canā€™t really put a number on that.

Iā€™d say its a problem especially if you just donā€™t want to see something, youā€™re an inconsiderate person. There arenā€™t many issues that are like that, but this one is.

Hereā€™s another example. I really donā€™t like how months are dedicated to a particular thing. That doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t care about each months subject. Thats interpretting my feelings incorrectly.

Well do you see it more than other issues that donā€™t directly affect WoW? I turn off trade chat for example because it shows just how ignorant many people are in areas. Especially politics. Apart from some guild ads, Iā€™m on Moon Guard after all, I donā€™t see much of that. I donā€™t always scroll general so canā€™t say for certain but I donā€™t recall seeing a lot there either.

I would say LGBT issues come up far less than all the other ones. Race relations, womens rights, and politics are the majority of the things Iā€™m sick of seeing talked about on internet communities.

Iā€™m just here to kill Alliance man.

I get ya. I donā€™t think it should matter on the forums as no one has to open any particular thread. I try to avoid the twink threads because I could care less about that issue. If itā€™s bothering anyone in game you can adjust what chat channels you see and customize to see only what you want and from whom you want. Itā€™s helped me keep my latent misanthropy at bay.

The mental gymnastics to interpret this:



I do, but now this thread is infected by it.

See? Someone can take the same thing I said and turn it into not caring about LGBT issues.

I donā€™t give a rats patoot about LGBT pride month, but that means you dont care about gay people to people who want to push the discussion on you.

Not caring if someone is gay or not is the EXACT end goal LGBT rights is looking for. They arenā€™t a spectacle, they arenā€™t special, theyā€™re gay.

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I was trying to come up with a way of saying something like that very sentence earlier and couldnā€™t work it in. Well done.

Thanks, thats the thing about these subjects, its like stepping on eggshells to make sure someone cant take something you say and make it seem like youā€™re something youā€™re not.

Its so taxing on the brainā€¦


It was extremely bad during vanilla.

There is obvious hostility and there are comments that can be taken many ways but most choose to assume the worst.

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It was alive and well in the ā€¦dubius means of getting to classicā€¦ barrens chat last I checked. Its going to be a field day for the first few weeks of Classic Iā€™m sure.

I think twink threads are perfect examples of this haha.


Oh geez, not sure what that new fishā€™s problem was. I wasnā€™t being rude.

I have thought about the Barrenā€™s Chat thing too. I wonder if people will rekindle that for :poop:s and giggles?

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I donā€™t think itā€™s a choice, the zone itself is gigantic and incorporates at least 15 levels or so yeah? Itā€™s going to be a thing again, should beā€¦interesting.

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Oh boy. More wiener, fart and Chuck Norris jokes.

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And Mankrikā€™s wife jokes

P1: Anyone know where manrkiks wife is?
P2: Yea sheā€™s sitting here eating pancakes with your dad.

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I never understood these.

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Not heard that but maybe someone did say and I didnā€™t pay attention but I sure will notice nowā€¦ thanks :frowning:

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I canā€™t log into wow. :frowning: Anyone know what the eta is on the new hamster?

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