BG forums lounge (Part 1)

This is an outrage.

To be fair I only posted one thing when I could post links and got in trouble for it so, probably for the best.

Completely off topic, anyone wanna see a neat video?

Vendors are too confusing, players cant find them!

Adds trust levels to forums with no indication of how it works.


I’m afraid to answer because last time I said yes to that question, it was not suitable for adults.

You know how they are with vague descriptions. They love to use terms like “you could be” or “you may”. Nothing like keeping someone on edge.

You think you unDerstand Our trust levels, but you dont.


Mother of insert non offensive term here to avoid getting flagged! You discovered a secret hidden in plain sight :open_mouth:

I wonder if I could get reported for linking some quest text/dialog from ingame. Something about the time an orcs bodily function came out sideways…

That would be my proudest ban.

Not since the forum revamp anyways. I figure it was butthurt kids flagging my post as offensive during arguments.

Actually now that I think on it I realm changed which prolly messed up visited count, who knows.

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I wouldn’t be surprised. Hypocrisy isn’t lost to us.

More than likely.

Oh good point on the transfer. That does start you over I believe.

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It’s the attention seeking trend of the past few years. Hopefully it ends soon as I could give a rat’s patoot about any of it, and merely see it as the aforementioned attention seeking every time it crops up.


I had to like then unlike, then like your post again since I can’t give it multiple likes. Well said

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I wonder why the login servers are down. I HIGHLY DOUBT THEY ARE BEING OVERWORKED LOL

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It disappoints me to see this mentality…referring to any peoples who have been persecuted just for being who they are as “attention seeking” is…narrow minded. Who cares if someone has a safe public display in celebration for what they’ve been hated, beaten, killed, etc, for since forever? Your ‘straightness’ isn’t in jeopardy just because someone is waving an LBGT+ flag. Your ‘straightness’ and it’s acceptance is literally infused into our society.


Eh, I see both sides really. I wear several different hats at my job and one of them is the initial screening of applicants before calling the foreman to formally interview them. I just give them pass or fail and the only way I fail them usually is if they fail the drug test.

The job app is half a page long and just asks the basics like name, address, phone number, job history, and if you’ve been a convicted felon. (Actually, those are the only things on the job app.) It doesn’t ask gender or sexual orientation because it’s irrelevant yet I still randomly have people let me know they are lgbt like its suppose to mean something.

Edit: Ack! I hate talking real world crap. Sorry.

It’s unfortunate that you are not sympathetic to the adversity that other people face on a daily basis.

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Its unfortunate that you read that statement and interpretted that from it. Thats intentionally reading the worst out of someone, and is a much larger issue facing society.

That is a huge deal in a lot of forward thinking companies like the tech sector. My closest friend got a job that way at a fantastic paying workplace.

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I’m struggling to read it any other way.