BG forums lounge (Part 1)

First game of the night, WSG. Yay! Oh wait, game in progress. It’s 0-2 with flag 3 at mid.


Yeah I started to remember why i dont queue for stuff on tuesdays.

First game of the night. WG Yay! we win. And we had a bunch complain about Alliance losing and left. Cracked me up

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Out of likes but you earn one. Someone else like this on my behalf, please and thank you


defense or assault? I feel like 70% of my matches there are assault and ally has no clue what to do so they just chase horde in a circle around the WSs.

Defense. Only destroyed 1 tower too.

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And now im in an Ioc that has no one in it but me wtf.

Well you can’t break the walls with your fists so in a nutshell that’s what you should be doing. Killing cannons before attacking is kind of pointless, since they respawn.

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You got this. I have faith in you.

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A few joined after horde got every point but im bugged out and not in the raid group

Exit out and back in. That happened once for me.

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Was no reason, horde were already on the gates with demos,glaives, and hangar before anyone else zoned in.

Well, just in case it ever happens or to anyone else reading this.

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It started in Legion, got way worse with BfA. The big difference is gear mattered way less in Legion and as a result we rarely faced blowout situations one way or the other. Now close games are a lot less frequent and the quitters have become conditioned to bail at the first sign of trouble.

There’s a definite correlation here with the removal of vendors and the increase in quitters. Ofc that doesn’t equal causation but it is the first thing one should look at when trying to figure out the cause of something because more often than not the correlation IS at least a part of it.


I disagree. I’d say it’s more the pruning/gameplay.

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E. all the above.

You always knew when all the other questions were A, B, C, D and you got to a random question that had an E. all the above answer that the probability was pretty high the correct answer was E.

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I think people really really underestimate the carrot-on-the-stick of the Legion legendary system. The very first legendary I ever got dropped at the end of a losing Arathi Basin.

Once I figured out that you could get legendaries just from doing random bgs I was hooked, I spent a lot of time q’ing random bgs towards the second half of Legion, and the small possibility of getting a legendary kept me playing.

Incentives matter, and there is no incentive to stay in a losing bg in BFA

I don’t hold it against people for leaving obvious losses, it’s just the most logical/intelligent thing to do especially if it’s going to be a long time-consuming loss (example: Wintergrasp)

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Except if you’re there to gear (since people think vendors would keep them in game) I have gotten many drops after losses. Sure, it’s lower ilvl but so was honor gear.

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Let’s be honest, that bg welfare gear that sometimes drops at the end of a bg is only useful for like a fresh 120 alt that’s still wearing quest greens… it’s useless to most max level players (since they are already much higher iLvL). I vendor like 95% of everything that drops from those bg welfare crates.

Legion legendaries were different, because they were “best in slot” pieces and useful even to geared max level players

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As honor gear would be useless too