BG forums lounge (Part 1)

BfA in general has been on a huge decline.

They don’t report the subs anymore, but BfA profit appears to be down about 30% since April.

That in turn, suggests a huge sub dropoff. (And paid services)

One day I’ll grow up and be Trust 3 like JD and Peepee. Running out of likes 3 times a day has gotten old. Plus, there many wholesome memes to share.


On the question of why people are quitting on bgs, I don’t see how pruning would be a factor in that. That would be a big factor in people quitting the game altogether which is an entirely different thing.

Pre-Legion and the end of vendors when one hit 120 they would get their PvP starter kit from a crafter, then go for honor gear which also gave conquest for wins as well. The honor set alone was fairly decent and didn’t leave people feeling powerless against better geared players like it does today for fresher 120s. So there was the knowledge that you would at least be getting honor to get gear you need even in losses.

Now you get what? A chance at something random? Do you know what it’s like to have a 320 ilvl with one 370 piece that dropped from a world boss and what do you get as a drop after a win? A 325 piece that fits perfectly into the same slot as that 370 piece. That is frustrating.

I’m not about to be claiming to be a business genius by any means with the following statement but I do work in the hospitality field dealing with customers so here goes:

Frustrating your customers is bad for business.


Well yea, I just geared up my Dwarf Lock. It was pretty easy and I did well in BGs even at a low ilvl. People are putting way too much stock in gear for randoms.

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Not at all the point though. My lock in that example is doing pretty well too. Lock is in pretty good shape I’d say.

However important gear may or may not be, people still want it. They want higher ilvls which opens up for higher azerite pieces for more traits as well as for more secondary stats which matter more now than they did in Legion. Even if it didn’t do much if any of those things, people would still want it.

So back to how that might affect quitting bgs.

If I want to upgrade a certain low level item, I now have to rely on either waiting for it to come around in the conquest rotation or hope for some random spin of roulette wheel drop whereas I used to be able to play a few bgs and save up the honor and just go get it. The randomized nonsense feels empty.


You make a good point, but there’s more to it when people quit after 1 flag cap… or lost 1 team fight. And honestly, most of those aren’t even losses in the end


Very true, there’s definitely more to it at this point. A small rock falling down the side of a hill can start a much larger rock slide. And it’s become a slide at this point as:

I had seen this already. It’s getting rather bleak looking for Acti-Blizz’s prospects this year in terms of growth.


Yeah and the only things about WoW that are getting any attention is a past version of the game written by other people.

I fear this bodes ill for the current WoW team in the “cost cutting” era Acti-Blizz is in, so I hope they learn something and get things back on track.


The thing about gear too is the fluidity of specs.

A lot of specs feel terrible without a certain threshold of haste specifically.

So, sure, you can do damage due to scaling, but it sucks having empty gcds because you don’t have enough haste for your spec to run smoothly.


I get that but it’s so easy to gear up now. Look at world quests in all the zones. Always some type of gear. I get it, it’s not pvp. But it’s better than nothing

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Oh I agree. It’s stupid easy to get gear now.

I’m just commenting on how gear does matter for more than just raw damage dealing or healing.

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It might, but I’m hopeful that the successful components of classic will gradually be reintegrated into the current game.

Things like CRZs are here to stay but they’ve long since dialed back the flying to return the sense scope to the environment and who knows? They might relent on things like heirlooms too and try to bring back a little danger to the open world.


Very true. It’s no different than past expansions when you just hit the max level.

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Wait - this is the lounge, wtf are we doing talking about in game stuff.

I’m on a bus full of third graders leaving a field trip from the NY aquarium.

Some song about horses and hotel rooms or something.


A few days ago we had back to back emissary dailies that rewarded a, for my lock, 355 ilvl Azerite piece. I had that level for both my helm and chest so needed one of them to drop shoulders. Neither did.

In the before time, we knew what we had to do to get what we wanted. Now we have to hope and trust to luck. Yes eventually you will get upgrades but doing stuff you don’t want to do and ending up with nothing to show for it doesn’t make me play more, it makes me play less.


Might as well said you were on a bus full of giant spiders, would have been just as nightmarish.


All my gear on my Dwarf is from assaults and Bgs/CP rewards. You don’t have to do stuff you don’t want to do. Ofc I’m fine with not being ilvl 415 so I guess it’s different if you strive to be top geared.

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I just like to crack 390 on a toon before I move on to another :laughing:


I hope this to be the case as well. I strongly suggest to check out the Nixxion video of him comparing classic to bfa after 1 hour in. He makes some pretty valid arguments.

I also don’t think its fair to blame Ion either, the ball has been rolling this direction long before Ion. Ion can change the course though. I have my doubts though. Look at how they reverted the leveling changes. The JG Wentworth crowd got very loud on it.

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I’m going to hate Classic one hour in. No chauffeur, no xp from BGs… those two things I love about retail wow and leveling.

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Exactly. In this weeks M+ I got a non-titanforged version of my current weapon, and last week I got a non-tf version of the tf belt I have.

It’s entirely too lottery focused. That kind of gameplay works in Diablo with loot raining from the sky from legions of monsters but not a game like this where loot is rarer and gated. It highlights the bum RNG rolls over the good ones.