BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Yep that’s the Sandler that was there. Not the Grown-Ups/Jack and Jill Sandler.

I got very concerned when Rob Schneider did the opening act, but it was funny. Despite the fact we got to see his pixellated genitals.

I was half expecting Spade, Rock, and all the other “cash-in movie boyz” to hop out but nope.

I’m glad the wife talked me into going, as I was just ignoring it.


This leaver crap is starting to get old. Solo queueing and last 3 bgs ive tried in randoms after 2-3mins there is only like 4 of us left and we have to wait forever for more to join.

EDIT: and now just joined one and it started with horde at 10 and ally at 5


It was never this bad with vendors. I know vendors screws with their big picture but people had a reason to stick it out.


He’ll always be Happy Gilmore to me.

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This is separate from vendors, come on now.

I was referring to the leavers part of his comment. I think it’s accidentally linked.


That’s what I meant. The people leaving are just looking for a carry. You think vendors are going to save poor sports?

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No. I don’t even think bringing back vendors will fix the issue either. Seeing how classic wow differs from retail from an RPG perspective I think the leavers issue is deep. There’s a lot of fortnite players among us now.


Okay, you threw me off when you said “it was never this bad with vendors”

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Well it really wasn’t this bad with vendors though. The deserter issue popped up in legion. I’m just curious to see if classic wow will be popular enough to influence design in retail.

I just watched the nixiom video of comparing classic wow to bfa where he plays for an hour in each and it’s kind of crazy where to see where they started at and where we are now.


I wouldn’t say they’re connected though. It was just the times are different… different group of people maybe?

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Bellular has a cool video about how rewards have shifted and affected our desire to play. It’s pretty interesting as it goes a bit into psychology (but not too deep).

It helps explain the shift from “playing for fun” to “playing to get a reward” which is a huge ongoing debate.


IDK, people going bananas over Classic might reveal it’s not that at all. We’ll see how long Classic stays trending after launch, and it’s not just a “new” toy.

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I agree with this.

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I mean right now is the “playing for fun” expansion since you get rewards elsewhere. Maybe more people like the “play for the reward” aspect. Though I shouldn’t talk, I haven’t played much.

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Yeah, this is really the first expansion where I haven’t done much at max level. I’ve really been enjoying leveling alts via BGs.


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Maybe it is. I just enjoy wow with friends so I don’t really care about the system for me personally. I convinced some old timer friends that quit way back to come back and play bfa and they all quit about a month after hitting max level saying the game isn’t what it use to be.

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So you believe that once Legion launched, players did an about face from previous expansions and just started leaving often? I think there’s more to it than it being a different group of people.

No matter what’s causing it, it sucks how quickly players leave. It sucks when it happens to my group and it sucks when it happens to the other group. We did a WSG that had 5 horde leave and the group never filled back to 10. It’s not fun facing a group with such a disadvantage any more than it is to be that group.


I didn’t notice it so much in Legion. I think it’s more a bfa situation.

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Its been a long time since ive taken time to level alts. I only do battlegrounds, so Legion was painful with the boring templates. WoD was definitely the best time to do BG leveling, but BFA isn’t bad so far.