BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I always like the challenge of playing the underdog faction which means I’m usually killing horde. :wink:

There can only be one on top…

But think of it like this. At least you guys come in 2nd.

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except the matches we DO win and in epics horde waited 15-20mins to lose.

Buddy I’m on fire tonight. And I’m only 2-0 so far. Even if I lose, the Alliance will realize I don’t speak for the rest of my team.

Edit: And in fact I just got put in a losing BFG… and I ain’t even mad, because I know how it is to be put on a team of dumdums and I still go down swinging taking down a Priest in the process!

Does Kirami Salami still exist?

I haven’t seen her log in WoW for months. She sent me a message awhile back about the forums but I was away and missed her. :slightly_frowning_face:

Oh no that’s a bummer.

Always logged in bnet, always labeled afk.

It’s such a painful sight.

I still have friends favorited next to whom it says “offline for 3 years”


that feeling when you deplete a King’s Rest key, hope the downgrade is to an easier dungeon, and then see that your key re-rolled to Shrine of the Storm…

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :-1:


TBH, I dunno how I got mine. Been finding quite a few gifs that make me chuckle to myself rather than post them, since it could ‘annoy’ quickly posting ‘too many’ of them.

I thought a bunch of you had TL3. Or you should anyway. We could have a full-on gif thread going.

This is kind of the best thing about winning as alliance IMO.

This may or may not interest anyone but I feel like sharing…

I am a super private person. Which is why I usually don’t do the btag thing. I tried it, a little, when the alliance PvP community thingy was started, but I don’t like the way it shows whenever/wherever any of your toons are online. (It doesn’t make sense to me that there isn’t an option for ‘full incognito mode’ so folks may know I’m logged in to WoW but that’s all.) The few folks I do have on btag are ones I feel comfortable with - they feel safe, for lack of a better way of putting it.

Despite Communities being pretty clunky, they’re a much more interesting, attractive alternative to btags, IMO. But the difficulty with communities is similar to that of casual guilds: drawing and maintaining a large enough number of actively-playing people to keep the ‘place’ fresh, fun, and alive.

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There are times when I too feel the same way. When people see you’re online, you start getting messages and when you’re only on for a half hour before work, you don’t want to spend a quarter of that time explaining that. I’m not sure just how “invisible” the “appear offline” mode works but that’s still an option.

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Let’s be real, gifs are only annoying to the trust level 1 and 2 folks.

I also support the gif only thread. I have millions.


It’s eluded me thus far. Been trying to “cheese” it but odd things keep happening. Like today I logged into notifications from days ago that already I looked at back then.

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The level 2s blues man.

Quick someone make a gif about that!


I would if I could get my TL3 back!

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For as long as we’ve been here, seen the lvl 3 types come and go, we should have automatically been put to lvl 4 or something.

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