Bg botting is insane

Havent touched bgs since start of wotlk. just started a couple days ago doing a few and hasnt been that that bad just some bots here and there.

I just got out of a EOTS where at least 10 people on my team and half the enemy team was bots. lol literally just watched rogues and dks running in a line then all instantly 90 degree turns into another line until they met each other then started all death gripping each other all over the place to then stand perfectly still and attack each other till one side of bots died.


What if they are Blizzard bots so Blizzard can hide the fact that no oneā€™s playing Wrath and artificially pumping up their sub/player count for investors.

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If so I request, no I demand, the comp stomp AI of retail!

The blizzard bot druid and rogue from comp stomp could teach some some lessons on how to play the class better to some humans lol.

But seriously they should throw in comp stomp here. Its the week blizzard is honest. they know most are there to honor for gear on alts.

They know it can be bad at timesā€¦1 week every so often they say ā€œdudes, have at itā€.

Iā€™d also take blizzard weather AB. I like that one. AB actually makes you think more when you canā€™t see 10 feet in front of your face. Seeing those 5 people go LM or GM from BS? Yeahā€¦you donā€™t see that anymore.

it is garbage, i am amazed they have allowed bots to get out of hand like this

My main has had every available arena item for like 6 weeks. Yet the BGs simply arenā€™t fun due to all the bots, so I donā€™t queue

This alt could really use the daily 50 arena points, since Iā€™m saving 10k for next season. But the BGs simply arenā€™t fun, so even with the incentive of the points that I need, I still donā€™t queue

Fix the bots, you could hire like 2 guys at minimum wage who could clear out thousands of bots a day without even working hard. Honestly pathetic from a billion dollar company


For real, whatā€™s stoping me to get into PvP right now is the bot problem in bgs.
Iā€™m not interested in getting honor being farmed by dk bots or viceversa.
Not even in private servers you see this amount of bots in such visible areas like BGS.

Doesnā€™t make any sense.

im just amazed. ive seen people on forums talk about it before but i stopped caring about pvp early first season of wotlk when my partner had to quit for RL reasons. So he comes back and was like i guess ill start gearing up even though was in full hatefull gear still.

They will never fix this, because all these bots pay a sub and everyone who responded in this thread so far is mad that the problem exists but their solution is ā€œwell so i just do not do Bgs or PvPā€ā€¦

Why would they ever fix the issue if they get the bot sub money and they get your money as well. While you are mad the problem exists you would never man up and quit your subscription and play another game. Thats why they also never fixed the issue in retail.

Oh and Pservers did a far better job at managing bots, its not even remotely close how bad the bot situation was on pservers compared to classic.


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Blizzard Entertainment

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Itā€™s now WSG weekend. You will legit see opposing teams that are 10/10 bots. So far over the last few months Iā€™ve seen dozens of 10/10 DK bot teams and one 8/10 combat rogue bot team.

The combat rogue bot team was sad. A warlock on my team said ā€˜Iā€™m unsubbing againā€™ and just /afked out lol

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Really? Seriously? How are you amazed by this? Are you new to what this company does and doesnā€™t do?

This has been going on for years lol.

Only way to get them to do anything is to quit

Yeah and people want wow to go f2p. Lmao! You know the game would be 90% bots at that point.

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You do know that your arena points get converted to honor at the end of the season right?

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EOTS? More like DotA.

Sure its not already 90% bots. I dont bg havent since classic grinding for rank but back then we even had bots those bracket breakers that would go 5 mill honor even though the cap was 2.5 mill because it was wsg weekend.

Now they just more because that system is gone and less players actually que for bgs also factor in the same faction ngs if that is still a thing.

All the complaining about que times and wanting them fixed condensed the bots together making full bot teams. Get rid of the same faction bgs and bots would probably get spread out more or some may even stop queing altogether because hph would go down.

Yeah, the botting problem is at its worst point now, I have been doing bgā€™s off and on for all of wrath and being a completionist as myself, trying to get some basic achieves is very frustrating due to half if not more of the team being bots.

I think most of the bots are doing bgā€™s due to being able to buy scarlet rubies with honour then selling for gold, rinse and repeat, so now the botting is a ton more predominant.

Blizzard should remove the gems for now till they can sort a better system to stop it, I can almost guarantee over half the bots will stop if they remove the gems purchased via honour as the incentive will be a lot lower.

The unfortunate thing is that bots arenā€™t people, efficiency is irrelevant. As long as there is a desire from people to give real money away for a virtual good, there will be people using bots to fill that need. Basically every popular MMO ever made has proven this, if it doesnā€™t have an official way of doing it. And even then, if the bots can do it cheaper, the market will live on.

I switched over to Classic Era just before the big boom and it basically took 2 days for me to get a letter in the mail with a link to a gold selling site. WoW is just so easy to bot apparently, that I think the only hope is for the game to become less popular lol.

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I have noticed number of bots changes depends on the time you play. In American servers if you play after 5pm I havenā€™t seen that many. Playing at lunch time or earlier would be like 90% bots.

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So far the CTA WSG for 61 to 70 hasnā€™t been as bot loaded as Iā€™d thought it be. I hope that holds up.

I know bots have been around, we are talking about bg botting which exploded overnight when blizz shut WoW in china. i played a ton of bgs throughout classic and there was a massive increase in the past few months