You can’t end up on either faction in EBG, or else it would be impossible to queue sync there as well. lol
I don’t think you understand what the world impossible means. People admitted to doing it. There are websites selling carries… the denial is just sad.
I’m just pointing out that with a max of 2 people in a group, thousands of people queuing at all hours, and the ability to end up on either faction, the liklihood of ending up on the same team is extremely low (and you could just as easily end up on separate teams).
Short of having some sort of access to whatever sorting method Blizzard uses to see who is on your team before accepting a queue, it seems highly unlikely that anyone is stuck at 300 rating because of people queue syncing.
I think they should just have an abort thism ode
Sure, but it’s still happening so it’s clearly not impossible.
What proof do you have?
They have no proof beyond that they saw some people say they can do it and that there’s shady sites selling carries.
Go search solo shuffle carries. Not really any way to show proof on here.
Aren’t “shady sites selling carries” proof? Or are you going to claim that’s just a “conspiracy theory” .
This couldn’t be a multi R1 Rogue who can guarantee a greater than 51% win ratio as a duo partner, or even someone willing to pilot your account to increase the win liklihood by even more? lol
Meant to say battleground blitz. But they do exist so it’s clearly happening no matter how much you scream “nuh uh”.
Sounds like an excuse for losing, but you do you man.
Yikes lol I have a pretty good win rate on the moment so not sure what you are on about. But this is classic for someone that’s run out of excuses. Straight to attacking.
Who am I attacking? I’m saying that to claim that queue syncers are infesting BGB and gate keeping everyone is an excuse to lose. Do we need to be specifically referring to you? Narcissism doesn’t look good on you.
You are trying to claim I am bad and “blaming it on queue sync”.
How exactly am I “gate keeping” everyone? I want the mode to work how it’s intended to work.
I don’t think you know what that word means because it does not apply here. I want a better game for everyone, and I want people that are abusing exploits gone. That’s the farthest things from narcissism.
I never made a single mention of any opinion I have of your gaming abilities.
I mean, you’re free to look up the definition.
As would I if I believe it were happening. The difference is, this forum is constantly full of this kind of nonsense. They were claiming people were risking their accounts to cheat in BGB before it was even worth anything. lol
Nah, premades have completely stripped all the fun out of this game in all casual PvP content.
No need I already know what it means.
LOL a well know sync leader said they did it. They think it’s ok to do…
Clearly, you’ve shown yourself to be a talented conversationalist thus far.
Was it Voldemort? Why are we not bringing the name up?
I would say thank you but i know your being facetious.
No, it was that leader that plays a fox that other communities don’t like. I forget his name. I have no idea who Voldemort is outside of Harry Potter.
The guy you’re referring to has a 35% WL at 1400, and we’re deciding that he’s cheating the system and using him as proof of a queue sync conspiracy that’s plauging BGB? Lol
I was actually kind of annoyed with you, but that turned out to be extremely funny. Good luck to you this season.