BG Blitz is full of premades

Yes, I premade epics, but I don’t need to circumvent the game restrictions to do so.

hahahahaahahahahha BROTHER. I have met stupid people but this is another level…

Hold on need to screent shot this :rofl: peace

Only because you don’t understand what you’re saying.

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No im quite content with what im saying. You just can’t understand that people may not think like you

This is pretty hilarious considering all of the delusion you and Thadreu project onto other forum posters.


You are a keyboard warrior. Its funny you think your anything more :wink:

Im sorry about your life

Theres an in-game voice system. Use it.

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I quite frankly don’t really care what you think about my personal life outside of this game, it’s more amusing than anything you and Thaedreu mald so much about premades etc. you’re both just bad and it’s apparent at this point.

Maybe if you both spent more time in game and less time concern trolling on the forums, you wouldn’t be losing so much.


Then just do that.

It was made to be solo qued anyway.

Other way around actually.

Premades are the most low effort path to a win there is. It’s basically DoorDash in wow which is worse than window shopping cause the people using it are either entitled or lazy or both.


I’m sad that you find it so difficult to make friends. Playing an MMO with friends is great.

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You’re surprised that a guy who likes to rating/achievement shame in almost every thread he is in has trouble playing in a social game? Shocking!

I guess that’s why he’s so petrified that he sits in base or afks out of games.

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guyz dint u kno wen blzz disabulled raid q 4 randums they secretely wanted ppl 2 qsink in there raids insted workin as intended

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Like I told marut I don’t think wow has been the hardcore social game you 2 still think it is since at least wrath.

Back then “socialization” used to be jammed down your neck if you wanted to do anything from leveling to end game.

The modern game has not been like that for a great many years ever since Cata that forcing people to socialize aspect has been slowly worked out of the game slowly.

From lfg to lfr to solo leveling to follower dungeons to solo shuffle to blitz to sharding.

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Clearly do since your responding.

What you need to think to cope.

But its fun watching you and other premade defenders lose their minds over online words about a video game

It’s sad seeing a 1400 player tell a Hero player that they’re coping.

Eventually I reach a point I just put them on ignore.

As hilarious as it is reading their constant crying and projection, it also does nothing but feed the delusions they possess.

Who are these people so I can know to avoid them?

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I am in agreement with Bob here. Could it happen? Sure but it will be extremely rare.

What I am observing is some groups posting disc or open up game chat to coordinate. Not often but I have observed a handful. So when I see a very well coordinated group I assume they are doing the same.

Doragod was the only regular poster on this forum in recent years that could lay claim to being an actual Hero player.

Yea but you will be amazed at how many people will refuse to listen to common sense in a BG even if it is the most logical thing to do. In most pugs you will always have that one random person who will leave the base undefended to go fight in mid just so they can end the BG showing that they topped charts.