BG blitz is designed for rage baiting

And here I am talking all the time and I’ve never seen that notification.

Maybe it actually is self control.

Okay Forumtoon.

Maybe the Horde players act differently than Alliance. I type some in BGs and solo BGs and dont catch bans. I try to limit what I type to useful strategy and information on enemy locations.

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That’s possible, I play horde only in PvP , outside of a new toon.

But BGB is mixed, and that’s almost all I’ve played for 2 seasons.

And I haven’t had my account actioned for anything ive said in chat since BC. I’ve never seen the you’ve been reported Icon I guess exists.

I’m not chatty, I don’t complain about other players, i try to keep it positive, and on objectives.

I don’t engage with the toxic either. If someone is getting toxic in chat I put them on ignore and move on.

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No you don’t lol.


Wait til it’s actually live S1. lol

I’m going to give the only compliment you’ll ever see me give to an EBG community player here. Queued into an EBG with Ruthlessbro at some point in the last year or so, and he seemed to have a talent for getting groups of strangers to listen to him.

It’s not enough to be right and know what people should do if you want to successfully direct a BG. You’ll need to develope leadership skills.

I don’t possess that talent so I just watch people throw and don’t say anything about it.

I got a one week chat ban for say ‘hey can you guys stop sucking I am the only one attacking their FC as he runs across the map alone’ lmao


sounds about right.

you need to think of BG blitz like poker and not like basketball.

sometimes you get a bad hand, nothing you can do.

there’s regular rated if you want something in your control.


I have no idea what ur talking about man i talked about my fancy cheese instagram the entirety of a bg and i got no ban

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Saw a creator, Overlordmoon I think, had a good way to think about it, 20% will be bad lobby draws you will just lose because of comp or players, and another 20% you will win from lucky lobby draws.

That leaves only 60% of games in which you can have an effect on the outcome. And odds are you will lose close to half of those anyway.

Don’t let it tilt you, rating in a game mode like this will be more of a marathon than a sprint.


yup exactly.

and there’s a reason; despite a game like poker having RNG outcomes. There’s a good commercial that says
‘If poker is completely luck, why is that the same people end up at the final table winning the World Series of Poker?’ (many multi-champions in wsop). but with that being said, there have been a few WSOP where some random trucker literally went all in every hand and won the WSOP (tho they are one hit wonders).

So it’s exactly that kind of outlook people should look at Rated Blitz. Yes, there will be some lucky truckers, but there will also be the same people at the top.

Blitz is part gamba, part skill. To get angry over it, is like getting mad at the dealer for giving you a bad hand (in blitz case, a bad team).


The real question… Why rage over a game? I’ve never been muted or banned once… Sounds like a you problem.


I’m just hoping that with rating brackets, I’ll get out of the entry bracket and not see people that are just straight AFK’s in the “random team draws”.

The most annoying part of random BGs isn’t the supposedly toxic ‘participationist’, even if they are arm chair overlords, it has always been the afk and bots that make up X/# of players on the team.

WRT to OP: If you’re getting reported for saying, “Where are our healers” that’s on you for not realizing that’s being toxic af and then railing against the system that you can’t be a jerk. You intermixed that inbetween actual directions, congrats now you’re a competent jerk.


I’ve been silenced and that was one of the things they put into the “This is what you have been reported for box”. It literally had “INC ST” as one of the contributing things reported that led to the silence. They no longer show what things you said were reported probably for that very reason…

You can say anything in chat and people will report it and it will contribute to your account action warranted or unwarranted.


Exactly. Anything can be seen as a breach of the social contract. Best to mute yourself and never speak again in-game. God if Blizz could only hear the things said in some Discord servers… everyone would be perma banned.



i hope real version isnt like this

every game is extremely lopsided stompout win/lose

it feels like the games outcome would be the exact same if i just AFK’d at spawn all game.

my team either gets compltely crushed or they do the crushign

theres no fun or close games

why is thiis


Blizz wants everyone being friendly and pc…

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You must’ve not play solo shuffle if you talking about rage bait