BG blitz is designed for rage baiting

title. if you type anything in game, you get reported and banned. even if it’s directions in bg blitz. someone doesnt like what you said or thought your tone was too aggressive? reported, and banned. game is a joke. social contract is a joke. so soft.


I say things in BGs all the time, and I have never been banned in game for chat since I got like 24 hours for something dumb I did in BC,


Wtf you talking about. I have played wow PvP in drunken stupors, saying the most foul, aggressive, butthurt, depraved and mean things I have ever said in my life and never gotten banned. Worst I ever got was a warning. I have nerd raged like I had a masters degree in it and never gotten in real trouble.

I dunno wtf you did to get banned but it must have been awful lol.


I didn’t get banned. I’m just making an observation about the gamemode and the state of the social contract in this game. If you even remotely want to push your rating, you will get tilted playing bgb because ppl do not listen to strats or they just outright throw on cd.

its pmuch worthless to type anything in chat

you can BEG your ENTIRE TEAM “hey plz i need help killing the EFC i cant do it by myself”

you can PING the EFC 5000000 times… it doesnt matter

people r gonna play how they want… you can ask them for help they will only help if they want to.

its extremely tilting but it is what is is. just gotta hope u have good luck with the Qs that day

1 day iwent 0-10 and the next day i went 8-0 and then last night iwent 0-10 again lmfao

its just so lopsided . i hope the “real version during the real season” is less lopsided like this

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bring back being able to /spit on players.


Not if you aren’t rude/mean about it. :dracthyr_heart:


I totally agree.

When you’re on a team of random players, people need to understand it won’t be as coordinated/organized as a premade raid with agreed-upon target/strat callers on voice chat. Your random BGB teammates will have strats that differ from yours. It will be more chaotic. That’s part of the fun.


This is a personal problem. It’s a game. Grow some thick skin and let it roll off.


It’s not a matter of thick skin on my part, perhaps on the part of other ppl tho.

no. in a rated mode everyone needs to be on the same page or its no different than a random bg.
the solo player mindset does more damage ro this game than any premade group ever has.

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How do you know you’re getting reported?

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you get the notification in the top right by your minimap.

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That means you triggered someone in chat. As a chat warrior, I highly recommend to disable chat in Blitz.


It can be both.
But you have less influence over other people’s behavior, so the more practical thing is to work on yourself even if it doesn’t seem fair.

so the solution then is to be afraid of the chat system and not type anything…? that doesn’t seem right.

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Well it all depends what YOU were saying. And we have no proof at this time.

I own what I say, and sometimes I should be silenced XD, people say they report me and I dare them to, by doubling down, and nothing happens. You just match their energy.

I doubt you get reported for saying “Inc LM”


do you think things like “where are our healers?” “we need to get on the FC” “please, I need help at mines” should be reportable/bannable?

This will trigger any Toxic Duo to troll you.

Those are fair, but even I get people to telling me to shut up when I say these things. If no one is helping, they usually don’t read chat, even if you were to spam this, they’re busy drooling over their keyboard in a teamfight far away XD.

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