I just want to say I think BG Blitz is amazing and give my opinion on some of the complaints voiced.
I play 2 ferals and a mw in blitz and got to 1800 cr on all 3 before considering duo’ing.
First i will say what wasn’t fun, but I have no solution for, so won’t complain about.
15-20 placement games.
Bad lobby streaks especially as a solo queuer.
What’s amazing:
Fast queue times, no waiting to form.
No meta comps.
A chance to play with and against really good players and see what you can accomplish.
A chance to make friends with people I had only played against in the past. It’s amazing how many great people are on the ladder that are fun to play with/aginst and chat with. (not that there aren’t some that are less fun)
Addressing complaints: People are doing premades:
It happens, that sometimes people hanging out in discord get on the same team and it is an advantage. It can and quite possibly will be used to boost rating. It will happen., but chances are it’s not impacting you very often. As a solo queue you have an equal chance to be on either side of that. So just win the rest of your games.
The other team acts like a premade.
People that have RBG’d alot
See kill options.
See the stun/lockout and switch or cross/cc
Know how to burst.
Know where to be and where the other team is going.
Duo queue isn’t fair
It makes dps queues reasonable which makes the game playable.
As a healer, your only impact is healing the dps, by letting me CHOOSE AND BRING a dps i am guaranteed one other player to achieve things. Both teams have that option.
For the initial climb, getting two fairly good players together is a major advantage, as you are guarnateed one additional player that knows what they are doing (hopefully) and voice comms. But at higher rating, if i am duo queued with a healer, i have to be one of the two most impactful dps on the team, because all the healers are picking the most impactful dps. If i am not, then my w/l will go down. Respect to all the amazing duo queue teams out there, i appreciate you.
All healers can bring the best player they know that will come. Which means part of that healers rating is based on judging/knowing the dps they are bringing. At least as a solo queue dps you dont have to worry about judging and impreessing the right healer!
I did top damage/heals and loss
Outside of gilneas, temple and possibly EOTS, team fighting isn’t that important.
The rating system is broken
It’s not perfect but i havent seen any better proposals.
I would add that those who don’t like blitz because it feels too much like random battlegrounds, well there’s nothing wrong with it being a solo/duo version of random battlegrounds with extra rewards and rating attached.
I wish all the people who hate the mode would just go back to the mode they enjoy.
Blitz is fantastic, and yes it has flaws but it’s still the most enjoyable PvP mode for me by far. The MMR system needs work but that has been true for all PvP modes for a long time, at least in DF MmR was bad in arena too.
I agree with everything you said here save for duo queue. I don’t care if it shortens queues, it doesn’t belong in there.
Honestly the amount it does shorten the queue is likely greatly exaggerated. Healers will queue for Blitz regardless, as it’s less flawed than Shuffle and they don’t have to deal with dampening.
It really boils down to teamwork, gear, and class balance. If my team gets rolled and refuses to play as a team, then I am basically playing the lottery every BG que. I just have to hope it’s my lucky day and I get a team that doesn’t get rolled and is willing to coordinate/strategize. I just finished a twin peaks on my healer and it doesn’t matter that I topped healing overall, that I returned several flags, or tried to carry the flag myself. If your team isn’t there to back you up, then it’s just GG.
That’s probably not true. Typically people don’t come to the forums to sing praise. By and large, they come here to complain. This seems to be a fact about forums that many people forget.
Rated BG blitz was destined to be a hot dumpster fire though even on paper. BG’s only go well if you have coordinated players and the fact that you have to que with random people means your odds off winning are just that - random.
There is a key problem with 100% believing this mentality. What you need to remember is that it didn’t get you a win this time. That same performance you gave might be just enough to tip the scales next time.
In Blitz you have to seize every opportunity to make an impact. If you can consistently do that despite the crushing losses, your rating will invariably rise.
Not random. I played 3 matches today. 2 wins, 1 loss.
The first match was AB and it was a close game, something like 1500-1430 in our favor.
I didn’t feel like I did all that much to help win, but I definitely did help. I made some mistakes and messed up a bit, but even still I was able to help secure several base caps or delay the enemy capping enough that we pulled ahead in the end.
I had a direct impact on the fight, along with everyone else.
Second match was Gilneas. It was rough, I sat mines and the rest of our team tried to take LH or WW with no luck. We eventually lost WW and just couldn’t recover.
I did absolutely nothing that game except watch mines for most of it, so I really didn’t feel like I did anything. I probably should have swapped off it sooner, but it is what it is.
Third match was twin peaks. I was the chosen FC and sadly I got caught up in the mid fight and couldn’t break away to grab the enemy flag (thanks DK who kept gripping me back!).
Enemy capped the first flag but we were able to recover and I capped two more flags, with a ton of help from my team as well.
That was a really tough match though, it could have gone either way but with everyone working together, and me somehow being able to live and cap the flag twice, we won.
I felt like I had a direct impact on that match.
So yeah, the hand you are dealt might be up to random chance, but how you play it isn’t.
Saying that matches are a coin flip is a guaranteed way to lose.
Trust me, that is my mentality every BG. I think that there are moments when you can tip the scales. But to argue that 1 person can consistently make all the difference on a sinking boat… come on now…