Yes, y’all need to fortify your resolve.

That isn’t what I said.

Consistently seize every opportunity to make an impact. It doesn’t guarantee a win every time, but you will rise to the top continually performing as such.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

If you are always trying to make a difference, it will be enough difference, sometimes.

During pre season i had a 7 game losing streak that dropped my mmr to the point i had trouble climbing again for 10-15 games until i got a streak of decent lobbies again. (Stuff like 7 people fighting mid the whole game on deepwind gorge). I defiinitely questioned humanity and it’s future with people like this in the world during this stretch.

The idea is to figure out where you can make a difference, and over time it will help. With enough games.

Or find a duo partner to get your rating backup, because 2 players can DEFINITELY carry a large number of games at lower mmr.

If as a duo you can’t get a decent win loss, then I would try to determine if you need to learn your class, better, or how to read what the team needs better.


def is if ur horde

i lost 20 games in a row as horde yesterday in random bg even tho im pumping up to 500 mil damage per game.

decuded screw this, ill just go do some blitz instead. had way better teammates in the blitz games.

horde random bg pugs are like lvl 10 critters that do nothing all game


yeah the faction divide has hit the Legacy PvP content hard.

Been bad for a while.

I took long breaks, really long, during SL BFA and WoD, because there wasn’t much for me in the second half of the expansion.

DF was the first expansion I have had my sub up for the whole time, almost completely because I have had Blitz to play these last 2 seasons.

Can’t people just use the in game voice to do the exact same thing?


They can, there is a thread around here with someone saying they have been turning it on and trying to use it.

I can’t see myself doing it. The short term advantage in a game is not worth the risk to my mental health.

I see what these folks choose to type, I don’t want to hear their stream of consciousness.

Just saying using discord is not necessarily an advantage over what is available in game is all.

You are free to not use that advantage of voice coms


Fast game play is fun. Que times are fast.
Rng is not

I think he’s talking about people who already know each other that try to queue sync into Blitz.


Being able to que into full dps lobbies would put it in the amazing category for me though. 8v8 all dps. let’s geaux.

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I mean I had little interested in rated content until Blitz. I like that it feels more like random BGs and not the meta slave the premade brackets can be.


Same here. I had no interest in rated battlegrounds and arena just isn’t my thing. I love Blitz, I just hope it can remain popular enough to be healthy.

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