BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this

Tell me again how its not automated now?

Tell me again its not automated

If your undeniably on the scoreboard you will never catch a ban.

There’s no amount of evidence that will convince you of the truth. You’re believing Asmongold of all people. The guy who specifically says in that video you just linked that he likes to “trick” people with his words. He enjoys misleading people.

Players can’t automatically ban other players with right-click reports.

I’d be shocked if Asmongold actually even believes this himself. Surely he would realize that if it were automated, he’d be suspended on CD simply because of how many reports he likely would get every time he played.

Watch the video… Where they literally use his video, and Staysafes video proving in real time this happens… Like dude actually watch it. Then come back, and if you’re spamming some nonsense before its been 42 minutes. Then you didnt watch the entire video, and are just parroting already disproven talking points…

There are parts that are for sure automated but I’m sure its at last broadly reviewed before being sent through. They have already confirmed that some of the parameters they did have wrongfully banned people. I don’t believe anything at face value, this large of a mistake wouldn’t be made if what they gave us at face value was entirely true. That being said, I played all 112 AVs I participated in. I was 100% guilty of back capping and getting killed and running to my boss to death grip people into the boss room. I was 100% guilty of running straight to drek a few times with the zerg. I just want to know how in any way, or what way, I wasn’t participating to Blizz’s standards. That’s all. I’ll eat the 7 day ban because I dont think they will even see my appeal in time, but i’d like to know what NOT to do in the future.

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Well, you just exposed yourself as someone who did NOT watch the video you’re citing from. Staysafe proves there’s no such thing as an automatic ban after mass reports. What he also proves is there’s an automatic squelch, something we ALREADY know about and Blizzard has been VERY open about.

A squelch =/= A suspension/ban.

Asmongold’s video has already been disproven. His suspension was because he ABUSED the report feature by telling others to report him. This was disproven years ago. You should keep up with this stuff before citing it.

Ok, the point is, you do not receive an automatic suspension/ban when a certain number of people report you.

Well you just exposed yourself lol

Again, as I said in my full post. I’m sure its at least broadly reviewed before being sent through. They don’t have the manpower to personally identify 10k+ bans over the course of a few days BUT I’m sure they checked to make sure everyone filled in a few boxes and if they did they sent the ban. They have thus gone back on that and unchecked some of those boxes and those few people were unbanned. It is somewhat automated.

Chat mutes are not bans or account suspensions. Players cannot automatically ban other players with right-click reports.

Players do not have GM banning powers with extra steps. If players could get a small group together to ban other players, we wouldn’t have a dungeon bot problem. The community would take it upon themselves to create discord communities or have a multiboxer banning the dungeon bots all day long. Players constantly claim that banning dungeon bots is a simple task and if Blizzard gave vetted community members banning powers, the situation would change virtually overnight.

You’re claiming that Blizzard has given every single WoW account a portion of the power it takes to ban someone. You’re claiming that Blizzard has given multiboxers the full power to ban people.

Right, notice how I back up my argument and you just very weakly declare yours with nothing to back it up? That’s the difference and that’s why this isn’t working for you.

You have no idea how Blizzard works. Panzormax has already explained it quite well. I get that you want to push your conspiracy and false narratives because you feel your ban was unjust, but not everyone has to follow your mental gymnastics routine.

They house their CS staff in a 162,113 square foot facility in Austin, Texas. Blizzard has an extremely large CS team and people constantly underestimate the size.

I am not.

Go for it, little buddy. You could even try to “auto-ban” me as well.

Pazorax, who is Brian Birmingham if anyone is curious.

Right. neither times i’ve posted has it been any crazy mental gymnastics but you are gaslighting at this point so I’m just going to leave it alone. No one can know exact specifications as to how blizzard works but in the literal post that Panzormax made he said there were parameters that wrongfully got people banned. They collect metrics, through “Some system”, we won’t say automation, and then review those metrics to see if people are banworthy. I don’t particularly care if im rightfully or wrongfully banned because they won’t give us any specifics on the matter, which is all I really care about. Have a good one.


I’m not sure it’s even worth arguing this anymore. I think what we’re seeing here is a few disgruntled players that haven’t been unbanned, and likely won’t be, grasping at straws in desperation to prove their ban was unjust somehow.

I know one of these two was already told by a Customer Support agent after they personally reviewed their account that “I wouldn’t hold out a great deal of hope this one is going to be overturned”.

as someone who only defends in AV i literally cannot comprehend or defend how someone doesn’t see combat once during the entirety of the game.
if you’re “defending” in AV, your logs are going to infer some sort of play/variation
and the game where you literally see no one is so rare and unlikely that it wouldn’t create a pattern for logs.
another thing i noticed is how, the “inactive” buff that shows on the map for other players, doesn’t happen very often.
so it’s a bit curious how i can play 20+ games and maybe see it once
but apparently, the bans are insane and rampant?
not arguing that blizzard would care to go to an extent to verify or audit or whatever, i’m just saying there’s something disingenuous happening.

the same system (it feels) was used in the start of phase 2 of classic vanilla, and the people getting banned knew they should have been. there has always been stories of one offs, or bad appeal reviews, but this seems sussy as f!@#.

ALSO: i will say, the QUALITY of my games since the ban wave has GREATLY INCREASED.

I have heard that their CS team is massive but their CS team isn’t responsible for banning people. They review the appeals no? It would be the devs like Pazorax or the GMs that review those metrics that get people banned. I’m sure no one really knows. So I’m really wasting time arguing the semantics of it. Its just a wish of mine to more understand but unfortunately Blizz doesn’t let most of that information out due to preventing botters and blatant abusers get around their metrics

Editing your post won’t stop Blizzard from seeing what you just typed. I suggest everyone report this post I’m responding to, as it was particularly vile.


Everyone knows it’s not 100% automated ban.

People have a problem with false reports being a part of the puzzle when determining if they will ban you. The reports are not reviewed, its just a number that says you were reported x number of times and that goes into consideration.

Hypothetically they ban if you meet 2 of their criteria, but those who are getting report bombed for not being level 70 or being a boostie have it unfairly skewed against them now as they have to only get caught on a single “non participation” item instead of 2 like everyone else who isn’t getting report bombed. This is the part that worries people.