BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this

Yup. At this point Riot mmo when?

Woke up this morning and it was reduced to 7 days, which is now the 13th instead of the first email that was the 14th… which is… whatever at this point. But just putting this out there for those that still might be curious of what is going on.

Also I got that via ticket reply that I put in last night. Which was less than a 24 hour turn around. I put in a ticket asking why I was still showing the full 30 days – didn’t get an actual answer to that, but it is what it is – I imagine it will update sometime today during a data base merge/update.


Same. I’m fighting it the entire time. They dont get to do this to people falsely. Has me considering just quitting entirely still. Because I was in fact target reported for being a leveling DK existing in angry neckbeards precious AV. While doing objectives the whole time. Literally people screeching in chat “report every lowbie and boostie afk”. This is NOT ok.


Yeah. Its a really shameful situation currently that is being over looked. I have ZERO doubt a lot of people are being reported for being under geared, a booster, a DK trying to level, or just someone capping a tower that makes someone mad.

Now I get that this isn’t SOLELY what they are going off of. But if that is what they are using to trigger an investigation then its going to cause problems. Because it gives the mob the power to point the direction of the sword. While it might not always cut it will always cut in that direction when it happens to.


These trolls are ruining this game lol.
Can’t PvP, can barely do dungeons.

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The only way you can pvp now is run an entire premade, and then most likely a bunch of mad pugs will target report you because they lost in 5 minutes, and it wasnt fair in their eyes or in line with their ideals of what playstyle should be. The entire report system needs an overhaul.

Make sure you report people who say that for inciting false reporting.


Thats basically automated if they dont actually go in and look themselves.

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I had two accounts suspended with this wave, my rogues account which I played 187 AV games over the course of Tuesday → Saturday morning had the suspension reverted the same day it occurred. My other account which has my main priest (whom I played 0 AV games on) but also has my level 61 warrior which I decided to play maybe 12-15 AV games between Friday and Saturday (or maybe it wasn’t even that much) got hit with the suspension and that account is still suspended (I played largely in the same manner on him that I did on my rogue only obviously not being able to do as much due to his lower level). I got the same email saying acct XXXX was suspended for pvp/non-participation only it said until 9/14/2022, then got a second email this morning closing out the ticket I put in when all of this first occurred saying that after review my account has had the warning and suspension lifted. Now the response was obviously some copy/pasted crap but it didn’t specify what account, now I can play my rogue, which I’ve been able to since Monday evening, but my other account which holds my main is still suspended.
Now even if it is reviewed and decided not to revert the suspension, I played no different on either account the only difference is the rogue was boosted and I assume all of the ‘reports of non-activity’ occurred during the first couple of days I was doing AV on him when he was still in green gear and then people stopped reporting him when he was in mostly brutal gear, and the warrior was a level 61. Their metrics for what is acceptable when considering ‘non-participation’ is BS, and you know flags for ‘investigation’ only occur when people are reported and won’t occur if you aren’t. If someone looks at your character and you are in the obvious boosted gear or a low level and you enter AV you are just playing with fate that your game isn’t full of a-holes who will just report you for existing in “their” AV with that gear/level. If you have gear you are largely safe, even if you are an actual ‘non-participant’.
I did a handful of AV games on my Alliance mage on Sunday and a few after I was prevented from playing my Horde characters, my mage actually has gear and I AGAIN played in largely the same manner as I did on my Horde, just on the opposite side of the map, nothing ever happened to him.

My playstyle in AV has always been the same, in the ‘zerg’ meta that we’re in the most important towers are the middle 4 as unless one side has several coordinated tank/healers Vann/Drek only become killable once 2 WM/Marshals are gone thus whoever is the first to burn 2 towers/bunkers is on average the team that is most likely to win. On my horde characters I keep an eye on SHB/IWB until they are burning or have been back capped (which when that happens the game usually devolves into a turtle’ On my alliance I move back and forth between IBT/TP.
In all cases once those bunkers/towers are burning I start moving to DB/FW to assist in killing the boss (if it isn’t already dead before I get there), and if the towers get back capped and the game devolves into a turtle, I participate in the turtle.

Now my boosted horde rogue (187 games played) - suspended and then unsuspended same day
low level horde warrior (15ish games played) - suspended and still suspended
geared alliance mage (15-20ish games played) - no action taken whatsoever

Now tell me this system is fine, because I’ll tell you it isn’t.


I also received a second reduction email. It seems as though It went from 30 days > 10 days > 7 days.
The email also states “Please note that the notification on your App may not reflect this change.” So what you are all seeing on the app isn’t accurate and will be dropped or updated on or before the ban is lifted. I am still appealing but no word on it yet.

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this exactly

i leveled two characters from about 63/64 to 68 (min to enter northrend) in a cpl days of av. alliance on bene and horde on faerlina

Games lasted about 10 mins. Each side grabbed the four bunkers after getting bal/galv . The pre game macro would usually say 5 to each bunker; bal/galv group head north or south after finishing them

after two bunkers burned they would pull. If there was no recap attempts, you could have entire games end with 4 or 5 total deaths on both sides.

a perfect game for honor and xp would be to burn all four towers and drop van/drek while allowing other side to burn one or two towers (so they would continue to queue).

The worst scenario, for honor and xp, was a full back cap, no towers burned, grab the mines and enter a 45 minute resource fight

over the years i have leveled about 20 or 30 characters to exalted and leveled about a dozen to max level (with av xp) to avoid bc and wotlk quests and dungeons. never had any warnings about playstyle. leveling in av was an alternative to grinding, questing or dungeons.

if the play style of rushing to a bunker, killing archers, flipping flag and waiting for 5 minutes to burn it (while others are doing same at different bunkers) is considered non participatory , please clarify. Please note many of these are eight and nine minute games.

is it non participatory for stealth to wait near the bunkers/flags to recap when the opposing party decides to not defend?

av has undergone many iterations over the years and styles have changed from speed rushes to climbing the ladder to resource fights. It has primarily been construed as a pve event with occasional pvp. Some ppl used it for honor, some for xp, some for rep, but very few queued av to pvp.

my hope is that the bans are lifted and clarity is provided re the definition of non participatory in battlegrounds.


Worst part about all of this IMO is the automated responses we get as well. No clarifications of what they noticed we actually did wrong or what we need to change in the future to not have our accounts in jeporady again.


I got my copy paste unban response today.

After a careful investigation of your account warning, we have agreed to remove the warning and suspension of your account from the World of Warcraft servers.

This change has already been put into effect, and your account should again be available for play.

We have also removed your recurring subscription details from the account; you will not be billed again on this card unless you enter the details again manually. Once the current subscription is over if no further payment details are added, your account will become frozen.
This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies (, which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing World of Warcraft. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at

We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject.


So those already knowingly unbanned are unbanned of course and those who wanted to appeal all got the same 7 day copy pasta.


So we wait on our appeal tickets, and by the time we’re unbanned they will get to them…

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That is very, very possible. I still wait in hopes that they will get to mine soon but who knows.

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There should be a three-strike policy for false reporting.
If you report a person for AFK in a BG. If the investigation finds that the report was false, then the person who falsely reported is given one strike. Upon the third strike, the person gets a 24-hour suspension. And after that 24-hours, if they get another three strikes, then it is the full 30-day.

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The people false reporting, and screeching to spam report lowbies, and boosties need a 30 day ban like they tried to just get everyone else.

Depends what you mean. If it’s a group of trolls knowingly reporting someone for doing something they aren’t doing, it should be a one time ban.

But if you’re in a BG, and someone is just standing there after the node burns, it’s not your job to investigate them. It could be the first time in weeks they weren’t at their computer.

You think they’re not participating, you report them and move on. It’s why the system would have worked if Blizzard had the right information.

Not at all, words have meaning and algorithm is not synonymous with analytics.