BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this

If the appeal was considered wouldnt they close it as resolved?

I think this portion bears repeating. Just because some of the suspensions warrant reversing does not mean ALL will.

No, it wasn’t. You guys just really don’t care about the truth.

Lots of people unbanned with no response. Hopefully they do individually respond to all those affected here.

I’m hoping for a response some time tomorrow seeing as I was given originally a 2 day ticket time. I already got the reduction but I’m fiending to play the game as soon as possible.

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The reduction seems to have been given to everyone who was a first time offense.

Your ticket/appeal can still be reviewed and be unbanned. Hopefully you get help soon.

Are you sure that you got a reduction?
I also got a mail that i am banned until 9/14, but in launcher and imgame it still states the original 31 day time.

I had the feeling that this was more of an additional sanction for the same griefreports.

i got an email saying my ban had been reduced to 2 weeks but the launcher shows a full month still…

this is insane…

unjustly banning me, then “kindly” reducing it to 2 weeks…

Are you saying I got banned twice??!??!? LOLOLOL

Your email said it was reduced to two weeks?

My email said it was reduced to 9/14 which would be 9/5 - 9/14, 9 days, but when I try to login, it still has the original time length, currently 28 days.

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I think we got banned twice for the same thing…

AV weekend is going to be a minefield. I feel like players that spam report are going to feel empowered by their efforts and report even more.


mine just says i got banned for 7ndays, nothing about a reduction

The reduction was announced via blue post.

If you received an email saying it was reduced it will be reduced on the launcher. Give them time.

Semantics. “We recently discovered a bug in our analytics data that called into question some of these suspensions, and in those cases we will reverse the suspension.” Analytics data aka algorithm. Tell me you dont know anything about tech without telling me you know anything about tech.

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My ticket just got closed with the following.

  • After a careful investigation of your account warning, we have lowered the suspension of your account to 7 days. This change has already been put into effect, and your account will be available once the suspension has fully expired. Please note that the notification on your App may not reflect this change. However, your account should be available again on or before September 13th 2022. Make sure to review the Code of Conduct and Terms of Use: We now consider this matter closed and Customer Service is unable to discuss this further.*

Appeal again.

IDGAF at this point, I’m just going to bill extra hours this week and figure out if I want to play after the suspension lifts. Might just wait for Dragonflight.


Oof dont play dragonflight. In fact if you purchased it. Make them refund you. Definitely appeal it. Make them have to do all the extra work this week you can because of their mess up. We need to literally put the screws to them this time. They messed up BIG TIME here.


This is just a Ghostcrawler MMO waiting room.

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