BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this

ESPECIALLY with wrath coming out.

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Isn’t it great how the whiteknight shill force tried to shout you down into oblivion on the CS forums over this?


Yup. I recommend to just not do it anymore to anyone that asks me. It appears the rules of what does and doesn’t get you banned in AV can shift with the wind.


This. I am glad they are revisiting and reducing first time offenses.

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No. The forums and the adults here, are the reason for reduction and overturns.

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yes i agree i remember first time offense were like 24 hours or a couple days
second offense was 7 to 14 days then 3rd was 30days or more


Even reduced to 10 its a joke… They are getting 7 in the EU first go round, and this is before any appeals or overturns. Seeing 30 days and then 10 while they see 7 is pretty insulting to an entire region of the player base.

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Remember the 10 people in every post that were CERTAIN all were guilty, blizz couldnt have made a mistake. Lol, where you @ now boys?


Yo dude. Remember when everyone was guilty? Where you at now?


Hmm, I just also realized that CC blue post contradicts the earlier “if your team doesn’t like what you’re doing then you can be reported and suspended” posts.


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I’m free to wait in Que 2 hours post ban lets go lol. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see a Blue Post on what the hell happened.


Nice, so some people who were not a part of the initial unban wave are having their bans reversed completely too?

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you underestimate the audacity of entitled people

I believe so it took about 30 hours to get my Appeal read and approved, and I put it in the moment i got kicked from the server and Suspended.

Added: I just looked at my Appeal Ticket and it wasn’t ever answered on but i’m able to login now. I’m so confused.

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Another wave of automation because they changed the thresholds. Assuming further overturns will need to have their tickets processed.

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My suspension has been reduced but my appeal has not been looked at in over 24hours.

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Some of the speculation I’ve heard, is that it’s tied to spending too much time afking on afk hill outside drek/vann’s room.

It likely was, my ticket is still open and I got an email about me being unbanned.

For the ones that spent every single round beelining the harpy cave, or sitting in vann’s room from start to finish? I think 30 was too light for those people.

My ban was reduced to 9/14… I want to thank Blizzard for reconsidering my case and reducing the punishment.

I hope everyone can have their case viewed, again like many have mentioned I just received a mail but no response to my appeal ticket so I went ahead and closed it.