BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this


Account Action: Suspended until 2022/09/14
Offense: PvP Non-Participation/Exploitation

We received evidence that this account behaved in Battlegrounds and Arenas in a way that detracts from the in-game integrity of World of Warcraft. After reviewing this evidence, we have suspended your account.

As the account holder, you are responsible for all activity on this account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our services in accordance with the Blizzard EULA.

Continued inappropriate behavior may result in additional penalties, up to, and including, permanent account closure, and the removal of exploitative gains. If you feel we issued this suspension in error, please visit this article for information on appeals.

Thank you for your time and understanding.


Blizzard Support

** This was just sent to me without the ticket being reviewed.


The way I’m reading that blue post is that the suspensions were based on a data analytics (e.g. ‘AI’) bug and were automated. Meaning no humans actually reviewed the bans. Does anyone read that blue post differently?


It read as automated to me, and many others.


It’s not automated, but its just sheets of data that they look at and ban you if you cross a certain threshold. Not sure which is worse though.


Can confirm I received the reduced ban to the 14th as well via email. Client still says the full ban but I can imagine it gets parsed in… probably on server daily reset time or something like that.

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Im in the same situation.

Figured as much.

The only other way I can see it being read is “someone decided to put all of these accounts that met some specific metric into a ‘ban them all’ bucket”.

Either way, I definitely do not see any way that the message can be interpreted as “we manually reviewed each report.”

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So you’re saying incompetence either way?


I mean the word algorithm was used. Which pretty much rules out human interaction minus the level of… oh these names here in the red… ban… these ones here don’t…

So you can claim that is human interaction and that it is painfully crafted over but… I think the truth is pretty clear that its just the human that has to rubber stamp the docket and doesn’t do a whole lot of reviewing.


Real question… Do I even bother keeping the ticket with 8 day response time? Think it’s time to cut the losses. Eeek. 9/14 resume

Oh yeah, good call, people who were SO certain the ban was just and they would not overturn.

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I would keep your ticket. If you were innocent then there is a chance that this ban is wiped from your record.

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I mean, I play AV by rushing Van, for the last 15 years… After reading everyone’s account, I couldnt tell you the right/wrong way to play it. I have no idea.


I am keeping my ticket open. For 2 reasons.

  1. Maybe they look at it and think its crazy to get banned for defending nodes. (doubtful)

  2. My client still says the full ban, so I might as well keep it open and add into it that I received a reduction and it isn’t showing. It would be terrible to get to the 14th and THEN have to start the 8 day que time to get that fixed.

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Were some of you that got banned leveling a character in bgs? Curious if the dmg or healing threshold was off due to lower levels vs typical 70s prior to the pre patch


Yeah, was leveling alt shaman in 60s…aka id get 1 shotted on way north.


I leveled from 63 to 70. I was banned and unbanned within 10 hours.


Yes and No, I leveled and used max level characters.

It is hard to say. I leveled a DK in there a bit. Also played some games on this toon to finish off the gear. At this point I will never know where it actually came from.

thats the scary part no one knows what gets you banned in AV anymore


How about we ALL agree… whether ‘guilty’ or not, a first time offense, THIRTY DAYS? Not correct.