BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this

When I was on my DK in AV people were screeching to report people in the harpy cave legit doing the quest. I never bothered once I saw that, and I did the cap a mine quest. They probably dont like that either.

Just got an email reducing it until 9/14/22… Still not 7 days like the EU suspension nor do I know what the rules were to cause it /shrug

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same. confirmed they reduced bans on players not getting unbanned automatically

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I still havent done that quest.

Although, when I try to login, it is still showing 29 days and 1 hour and my ticket is still open with no response.

same. i too will never touch a BG again


I don’t know this for a fact but I am almost certain it is going to be tied to the appeal.

Just be happy you get to be there for WotLK launch at this point. Word of advice… never touch a BG again.


just wanted to say to those who asked before, i did just get unbanned and the appeal was not touched


I still have not received any email, no word on my appeal, herd nothing, still oct 5th or whatever date on my suspension.


This is what happened to me, hopefully free month inc.

got a new email says unabanned on the 14th opposed to oct 6th but the launcher and when i launch wow still says banned for 29 days not sure what to believe


Glad you got a reduction, that will probably be adjusted soon.

I did just get this
Account Name: WOW#1
Account Action: Suspended until 2022/09/14
Offense: PvP Non-Participation/Exploitation.
its still BS cuz i honestly dont feel like i commited any wrong doing, I played the objective of a capture the flag battleground.


i mean reduction is better than nothing still absolute BS that i got banned in the first place and now im not going to touch BGs in wows future

I think they did a blanket reduction to any and all first time offenders. My appeal still hasn’t been reviewed but I do now have a 7 day instead of 30


Same. No one has looked into my ticket yet. Leaving it in and appealing to the fullest. Its BS that angry neckbeards target reported me for leveling my DK in AV. I did objectives that are a standard part of AV since literally forever.


I agree that it is also possible they reduced the bans for every first timer, but that is also going to be pending review and you could be unbanned sooner.

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all i really did was guard towers so does that mean since i wasnt unbanned does guarding towers = you being AFK suspect to being reported

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Most likely because thats part of what I was doing. 90% of games was go tag Snowfall, and then either East or West tower and turn on of those. Guess just deathball all of AV now. Or just dont do any BGs moving forward like my plan is.