BfA won Gamers` Choice Awards 🏆

What a bunch of gibberish.

Exactly. BFA might not be great, but WoW is still the best MMO out there.


I don’t care what awards the game wins (b/s or not), as long as they don’t rest on their laurels. This expansion is anything but great. Lost a fair share of friends due to this expansion having hardly any serious draw.


Out of all the games i have ever played WoW is my favorite and i’ve played some that were a lot of fun but over all WoW is still #1 to me. Congrats Blizzard!!

Why though? Do you think those after-thoughts, the parting angry retorts carries any weight?

Do you go back to visit the job you quit in an angry rage or one you were fired from? They would call the police on you, you know.

If you’re not playing the game, your commentary is moot.

Neither did Blizzard. Ythsy just said WoW’s been nominated, go check it out. Never once solicited for a vote.

The current subs are not wrong. I would gamble the game is at a all time low on subs possibly more than WOD right now. Not many contenders for the MMO category I guess. I wouldn’t be surprised they are judging by how many copies they sold and not how many actually stayed.

Was not proven to be invalid. All blizzard said was those numbers were not accurate. all that means is they could be off by a few. It was not invalidated at all . The fact that Blizzard when on a PR spin and damage control so early in the expansion is proof that BFA is a flop

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Do you know anything about that Gamers Choice Awards? Me neither actually but the whole concept is that players vote on those categories. There’s no other criteria - just raw popular votes.

Think before you blather.

this was the best comment :rofl:

Its a bogus award that is just Paid for. If it was legit then why were you able to vote multiple times on multiple accounts every hour?


And you know this how?

I wish I had a penny for every hater that made up jibberish to suit them while calling said jibberish “reality”. I’d be on my Yacht covered in diamonds right now.

:joy: :rofl: :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thats funny i keep recycleing the World of Warcraft page and i see zero info on wow subs your reaching sir.More like a flip because it’s fliping good!

A better question is if it’s true that most of the WoW community is displeased with BfA (even to the point of voting for other nominees just to send a message to Blizzard), then why would it preclude you that others who hate this expansion wouldn’t also “vote multiple times on multiple accounts every hour” just to ensure BfA didn’t win the award?

Why do only fans of WoW get accused of “stuffing the ballot box,” but not fans of Final Fantasy XIV, Elder Scrolls Online, or others, even in other categories? Can you not see how your own bias from your dislike of BfA has crept into your accusations that the award was rigged?


BINGO WE HAVE A WINNER! because wow won legit here.

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So, only the evil WoW fans had that ability? Because if everyone could do that regardless of which game they were voting for it is still a valid result. Or is it that only WoW fans care about their game enough to vote? Well, that would still be a win in my book.

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I never said it’s legit nor anything impressive…it’s a TV show award, come on. Who really cares? Something the company can put on their advertisement, “Winner of the 2018 gamers choice award”. So what? It’s like the local “Best Plate Lunch on Oahu” award they put up on their walls. It’s so people eating/playing can feel better about their choice. Car commercials do it everyday - JD Power car of the year (who is JD Power anyway…just another polling site for votes, no?).

Get off this thread, stop arguing about this already.

Since anyone could vote, including those who’s email accounts originated inside Blizzard HQ, and they could vote multiple times (once per hour) setting up a botnet within Blizzard HQ could easily be done (with or without Blizzard’s express knowledge at the executive level) means, motive, opportunity, resources. You would never get that information (if it exists) from Blizzard but it is as equally likely based on outside sentiment of current BFA Survival Guide Youtube video as well as the greater bulk of the Streamers and THEIR fanbases. WOW:BFA in a legitimate one email account one vote monitored for duplicates would have, imho, come in dead last.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so hungry for mvp lmfao. Not going to say names, but it should be obvious.


That is one heck of a conspiracy theory and I don’t have my tinfoil hat (I only put it on on Sundays). Don’t you think that if anything shady like the were going on someone would have leaked it by now.

The simplest explanation is usually the correct one and that is the more people voted for WoW than for the other games. I was one of those votes.