BfA won Gamers` Choice Awards 🏆

I got paid nothing im just pointing out the facts jack.

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Probably as much as a Prime time TV spot

Sure you are. We believe you.

Wished I had a dollar every time a fanboy denied reality. The facts are BFA is a flop with the lowest player numbers in history. I guaranty that and the fact that blizz hides the numbers speaks volumes!! I am right and you are blind.


Unreal that you ave to ask that question. Seriously if you have to ask.

A fanboy is a fanboy.


Well thank you sir :slight_smile:

lowest numbers without proof :thinking:. And im not talking about the leaked proof that was proven to be invalid either.


The fact that blizz hides the numbers is all the proof a reasonable person needs.

My guilds are ghost towns with 90% of the players listed as last online 2-3 months ago. The proof is there for those that arent blind fanboys. Wake up!


Did the trophy titanforge with a socket? If not, scrap. Blizzard already got a 385 socket participation award years ago.

Im not blind i can see just fine thank you plus im more of League of Legends fanboy lately don’t insult me please.

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The fact that you could vote multiple times per email account is what makes it rigged. Not whether any one game won or lost. Unless its one email account = one vote and only one vote and other votes from the same or similar MAC address are ignored then the vote is invalid per se. Having won an invalid vote count is much worse than losing a legit vote. All it does is muddy the water and play to the egos of those developers who are ill-informed enough and insulated enough to not know and not care about the so called ‘fans’ who voted for them. It would not surprise me to find out that The Gamers Choice Awards MMORPG category was inundated with a couple hundred email bots dumping out a couple hundred votes per hour on several hundred email accounts all served up from a now dormant exchange server inside of a building in Irvine California. It would not surprise me in the least. Blizzard had means motive and opportunity and the resources to pull it off.


Not surprising that WoW won, but where is Guild Wars 2? Why wasn’t it nominated?

Actually, critics give BfA good marks on every site with reviews I can find. It’s the players who “0 bomb” (meaning they don’t give an actual rating).

“0 bombing” isn’t legitimate as a rating.

Try again.

Apparently you could vote every hour?

You KNOW Blizzard was in on this, lmao.


Way to completely miss the point!


This was kinda expected by me, Bad games win awards all the time. And often good games will be niche and fail to get enough volume.
One of the big reasons so many people look at some of the film awards in the US So poorly is this very concept.

The other games have possibly even more invested in markets that care little for these awards.
Sometimes brand power can push a game up and up even if its failing.
Its just a continuation, that Blizzard can afford to make mistakes that other company would be hard pressed to recover from.

Fan power is strong, and people can vote even without knowing what they are voting against.

You didn’t make a point. I missed nothing.

I get what you’re trying to say
 “fanbois” will claim everyone agrees the game is great or they claim no one else matters. I simply don’t agree.

“Fanbois” (or “whiteknights”) may very well do that, but the “haters” (or “naysayers”) do exactly the same thing. There is no difference. The “hypocrisy or both is astonishing”.

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This ‘award’ is a joke
 kind of like BFA.


Want to hear a positive?

Bfa makes WoD look genuinely entertaining. It also makes me regret having skipped Legion.

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I think you guys missed the hidden gem in the list of winners:

Fan Favorite Gaming Device: PC

The Diablo team must be raging that mobile phones didn’t win.
So looks like Blizzard Won and Lost at the gamers choice awards.