BfA won Gamers` Choice Awards 🏆

Soooo why’re you posting lmaooooo

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I wodner how much blizzard paid for this win?


I saw the title to this thread, 400+ comments, and it’s less than a day old. I knew it had to be someone posting some sort of proof of positivity towards WoW. I could almost hear the growls and teeth gnashing before I even clicked on it. So sad.

The art in BfA is fantastic (as with every other expansion ever) so your eyes shouldn’t have any issue with the game.


Congratz, Blizzard, for winning the Fan Favorite MMORPG award! !:grinning:


Considering the quality of blizzard’s products these day, they don’t deserve any award.

I am not going to say they cheated, but this feels as wrong as the golden stick awards.

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This thread is the saltiest thing I’ve ever tasted, and I once ate a big heaping bowl of salt.


No, I fully recognize that this was a fan based voting system and while XIV, WoW, and Maple (to a very limited extent) are the only MMO’s I’m playing, but have also tried GW2 and ESO, was hoping that WoW wouldn’t walk away simply for having the largest fan base.

While I wasn’t rooting for anything in particular, I just feel that BfA really; IMO (bolding not for your sake, but for those that are about to REEE at me), was undeserving of the recognition. Quite a bit has been bad/bland as pointed out since beta and only now with 8.1 is some of it being addressed.

But again, as you stated and I acknowledged, that this is a fan decided event. The largest fan base rules the event essentially.

Once I was eating sugar packets, because I was young and stupid.

Someone handed me an open one, filled with salt - unbeknownst to me!

I do not recommend! Just like this thread.


ZERO the fans voted :thinking:

Wow critics: “BFA sucks”
Wow fanboys respond: “LOL WhO TeH hELL carEs aBouT CriTiCs??!?!”

WoW critics "BFA rules!
WoW fanboys repond: “LOL SeE? EveN TeH criTicS SaY itS GoOd, Suck IT HatErZ!!!11”

The hypocrisy of Wow fanboys is absolutely astonishing.


Oh no, hahaha. My partner used to take handfuls of sugar to cure hiccups, until one day he ate a handful of what looked like sugar but turned out to be salt. He swore that hiccup cure off afterwards.

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Then it’s a good thing that bfa isn’t the game as a whole, huh?

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Eating “sugar” is a dangerous game, to be sure!


We just have diffefent perspectives. I respect your point of view but I look at it a bit diffefrently. The award, to me, shows that with all its flaws WoW’s fanbase still prefer it to the other MMORPGs on the market. Many issues are being addressed in 8.1 and I’m confident they’ll continue to address issues going forward. After all, it is in their own best interests to do so.

BTW I also play GW2 from time to time. However, I find the movement in that game can make me nauseous after a while.

rigged :rofl::rofl::rofl:

edit: but seriously, people could vote once every day. No way is something like that going to be accurate.


Nah there aren’t enough blizzard people to overshadow the fanbase.

I can feel the hatred in this thread.

It gives you focus, makes your stronger!


Y’know, you’ve won me over. Maybe the best thing in the world for the MMORPG genre is for BFA to be celebrated as the best MMO, an absolute triumph of a game by those happily enjoying it
 and proof that WoW is still far and away top dog. That way, Activision sees this and says: “Yeah, we literally can take a dump in a box, slap a $50 price tag on it, and these people will eat it up. Slash the budget by another half and give them even less next time.”

and when all’s said and done, maybe WoW will get so bad that a new innovator can finally come along and revolutionize the genre.

In the meantime, enjoy BFA. No hard feelings at all.


The fact that you believe the “fans” actually voted for something that is nothing more then a paid for advertisement is telling. You are working hard for that paycheck, I will give you that