BfA won Gamers` Choice Awards 🏆

Well said!


Interesting. I have since dived a little deeper and found the nominees list -

I should probably of researched things a little longer before banging out a quick post before running off to the gym :slight_smile:


The fact it’s 100% fan based makes it even funnier to me looks like the fans have spoken a.ka. the people playing BFA :blush:

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We don’t know how many people voted either negatively or positively for World of Warcraft. Only that the total votes for everyone voting in all categories was over 2 million.

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Still it’s not like the other MMOrpgs couldn’t have been voted repeated once per hour just like WoW was makes you think :thinking: Just useing some logic here!

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BfA is WoW, just as Legion was before it and the next expansion will be after. The reality is that forums are a minority to the overall opinion of the player base and the minority will always complain loudest over the majority that are enjoying the game.

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100% fact!

Delicious to watch the GD forum haters foam at the outcome of this award. I can even imagine them drooling as they continue to yell “rigged”. Need a napkin?

Let me guess, the voting was held in Broward county

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No one’s trying to suppress dissent. Just when you say “I don’t think this expansion was low effort” and I bring up literally every single system being a rehash of Legion or earlier with only token innovations at best, and you counter with nothing more than your feelings on the matter and attack me and other like me for trying to “suppress you”
 you’re going to be kinda looked at like a curious specimen at best.

You are right - we won’t know for sure for awhile. I would be shocked if, by the time the dust settles on this expac, BFA isn’t the reigning champion of “Worst WoW expansion of all time” by a considerable factor. I’m actually putting even money on 8.3 being outright cancelled, or an abbrivated 8.3 put out with just a raid and a quest line (“Zandalar and Kul Tiras are FREE!”), so they can just go into emergency mode for the next expansion - like they did in WoD.

I just hope it does poorly enough to scare them into actually putting effort into the next one.

I would with 100% certainty attribute wow’s current player-base to be largely due to people still playing because of the game wow has been, not the game it currently is. Many players, even myself at times, will put up with this game despite that we log on to stare at a screen for a while and do nothing and then log off because we’re waiting anxiously to see if this game ever starts back in a direction toward it’s past.

I think in the long run that myself and players like me will eventually give up and leave, maybe not during BfA but some other expansion, and everyone will ask “why is this expansion so bad what is going on why is everyone leaving?” but it will have been a long time coming, not just one or two expansions.

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Doesn’t matter if they could also take part in a badly designed voting system or not. The game with the largest fan base will win by default regardless, despite if it’s merited or not.


Undeserved to say the least


Castiel from Supernatural?

Don’t you see the contradiction in that statement: “The game with the largest fan base will win by default regardless, despite if it’s merited or not.” ? The whole point of the award is the “fan favorite” so of course, the game with the largest fanbase will win, but only if those fans actually vote for the game. If more fans vote for a particular title then the award is most definitely merited even if some players don’t agree.


The issue with this post is that there are those arguing it’s victory is a matter of content quality and not simple population.

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Yep, a name I reserved a long while ago and decided to actually level up back at the end of WoD leading into Legion.

All the other MMORPGs on that list have had multiple expansions and DLCs. All Named ones most notably.

Yet World of Warcraft was the only choice that specifically named a particular expansion.


Love that show :):smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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But for those that voted I’d bet that many are like me, it is a matter of content. I still play and sample a number of other MMORPGs on a regular basis. With all its flaws WoW BFA is still my favorite. (I really couldn’t get into FFXIV or ESO even with a fair trial).

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