BfA won Gamers` Choice Awards 🏆

They are also some of the same that say awarda mean nothing. But if another game had won itd be proof the game they still play and pay for sucks


That’s not a trophy that’s just your blind fanboyism as usual.


I know exactly how it works. Just stop it already! BFA no more earned that award than most actors/movies earn their awards for being good. BFA if a total flop.

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If they still breathing, at difference from others MMO, it’s mean that they are not doing things so wrong as many people claims. I’m not saying that BFA is a marvelous thing, but something must be true, and that is that even when Blizzard makes what can be considerer his worsth WoW expansion for now, the game it self have enough solids bases to survive, and even more: be the most popular MMO.

Same as videos and rating sites that people who enjoy the game are too busy playing it to bombard the “likes” and 5 stars so they inaccurately show poor ratings?

Im sayin that this was fixed somehow based onthe fact that people can vote multiple times. BFA is a flop

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Masterpieces to a select few elitists with no real ability to judge a movie. BFA is like those bad boring movies. Its a total flop

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players voted.


Your salt is tasty. Pass the ketchup, plz. :rofl:


Madmargret: “BfA is a flop.”

<WoW wins Gamers’ Choice Award for "Best MMORPG.>

Madmargret: “BfA is a total flop.”

It seems that you won’t be convinced that WoW isn’t a flop, either way, so all you’re doing is being emotional instead of being rational about WoW’s success, at this point.


This just really deserves a second viewing. Well said Akston!

More fuel for the GD denial

In other news has the 8.1 survival guide reached triple the dislikes to like ratio?

Congratulations to Blizzard for winning the award.

I’m enjoying the debate on both sides that somehow something elemental was quintessentially proven. It wasn’t. It simply means that the majority of the voters, whomever they were, chose WoW and for that reason Blizz picked up an award. Does it mean BFA suddenly got better or worse as a result of the vote? No. It just means most of the voters in that category prefer WoW over the others. Take a deep breath, show some class and give Blizzard the credit due for this event.

Then we go back to debating the game we are so passionate about while remembering there are no right or wrong ways to make a game; there are only successful or unsuccessful ways to make a game. Right now, Blizz is unquestionably successful at doing this.

Is WoW it the best possible MMO it could be? I don’t know. What I do know that it is good enough to keep me subscribed due partially for what it is today and partially for the history and memories embedded in my characters over all these expansions. Those two factors are so intertwined I’m not sure I can objectively see WoW any more. So I continue to play, often times very happily and sometimes muttering unkind things under my breath. Most of all, I try to remember there is nothing objective here, only our subjective perspectives and try to respect that in others as I hope they will forgive my irrationality and toss some heals my way.

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BFA is a flop. People are leaving and have left in droves. IE by thje millions!!! WInning an award means nothing especially when people can vote multiple times.
There have been peoples choice awards for music and movies that were bad. Many musical artists that cant sell a ticket or actually sing have won peoples choices awards. IE Taylor Swift. ETC ETC and so on.

The game is a flop and is bleeding subs .


Have you seen the “artists” that win music awards? Mainstream following in no way signifies the quality of a product.

WoW is still a good game. It is not as good as it used to be. The only reason changes are made is because people that won’t settle for the bare minimum provide feedback by quitting or making a forum post.

Otherwise the only changes that would be made would be those that increase profits with less labor.

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To me this makes it more valid because things like metacritic or youtube videos end up being rated by people who love v. people who hate (and rarely any in betweens) just to see who gets to be right.

The voting for this award shows more gamers in general like wow v. other MMORPGs. In other words their is no lashing out, vendettas, desire to poison the well involved.

Way to Blizz! I knew you deserved it! :unicorn::unicorn::unicorn::unicorn::unicorn::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow:


Man, I really wish I could have a dollar for every time General discussion has said this concerning every expansion.


Hey Bruh say what you want about wow but dissing my girl T Swift is going too far.

McDonald’s once won a “best coffee chain in Australia” award so


The fact that all of you who obviously hate the game are yet still here, subscribed. Why? Your sub is paid with tokens I’m sure some will say. Why not spend that balance on something you would enjoy more or hold onto it?

It is just so dumbfounding to me that anyone who hates a game so much still plays. Some I’m sure have recently unsubbed. All good. I myself have done that a number of times over the 13 years I have played this game.

I say grats to WoW! You all can call it rigged or whatever all you like. But to think this vocal minority in these forums of hate is truly the majority is really naive. I don’t enjoy the game as much as I once did either, which is why I’m very excited for Classic. But I’m not so bitter that I can’t see that others do enjoy the game. Many others in fact. It’s a well known fact that people primarily come here to complain. Meanwhile, the majority happily play the game with rarely ever coming here, if ever.