BfA Won Gamer's Choice Award

Any success for modern is also good for classic. If modern somehow collapsed in the near term, classic would likely be dead, as Activision could pull the plug on the entire WoW endeavor.

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read the comments (on twitter) and looks to be a bunch of toxic people who just want to hate blizzard and review bomb.

Retail is great, and classic will be also. even more so if they add new model options


Depends. What year is it.


people, like you are going to be the ones to ruin classic, can’t enjoy anything but being negative about everything.


I disagree with you about retail being good so I ruin everything? That’s quite the leap.


your comment implies that everything about bfa is bad. which is not even thinking critically.


No not all. The art and music are excellent.


that is always the best thing with wow :smiley:

so you understand me though, just by saying that you proved though that your like some people on these forums who says that everything in modern wow is what makes it bad. I know i haven’t liked some changes, but some i think have been very great. I just get annoyed when i see a comment that implies wow is bad and only classic is good even though they are basically the same game still, just from different times.

i think most people are coming to classic for the social aspect of how it makes you work together with more then your guild, but strangers also.

It’s not really that surprising, to be honest.

Modern WoW isn’t as widely hated as some people would like to pretend that it is.

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No, that’s correct. We hate the terrible decisions made, nor the game itself.

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You mean Activision paid an awards company for an award, much in the same way every single AAA title gets glowing reviews, no matter how awful the game play ends up being.


BFA is the worst expac to date and epitomises what’s wrong with the gaming industry at this point in time. I really wish it was better but thats my objective oppinion.


Those awards are a sham…Paid for I bet…


It just shows how bad the MMO market really is.

BfA is the weakest showing of WoW so far until they put out the dumpster fire that is Azerite gear.


Could be, as long as the company has money to fund classic I am happy. I bet it was basically popularity contest which means players still willing to vote to support the game.

I don’t play modern wow anymore, but want the entire franchise to do well.

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Everything about BfA isn’t bad, it’s got… uh… it’s got… um…

Wait, I’ve thought of something positive to say about BfA.

If BfA hadn’t been an abject mockery of what WoW used to be, they wouldn’t have felt obligated to follow through with classic.


LOL so Activision bought some propaganda and we are supposed to applaud?


Just a reminder… the academy awards, the most prestigious entertainment awards there are, are a complete sham, where studios literally bribe the members of the academy in exchange for votes.

Why would we think a “Gamer’s Choice Awards” ceremony would be any different?


BFA being game of the year means activision paid millions to get the win. Or every other game this year was dog crap


To be fair, there were a looooot of low cards in that hand.